Chapter 14

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**Camillo Moretti**

I was so caught up in a conversation with Killion about what our plans were to do about Marco Maceo but also seeing Hazel and Mashelle making up that I didn't see men with guns enter the reception hall until Hazel turned to smile at me. I was so caught up in her beauty and her scent with sensing that she actually wanted to be with me having her not won't to leave my side tonight that I let my warriors guard down. That's when I seen Marco's brother Victor Maceo walking towards her with a needle and a clothe in his hands, which also alerted me to the smell of the vampyres that enter with them it was a sweet rotten smell that my wolf hated. I run towards my luna even with the multiple gunfire flying all around the room. Which the bullets happened to be silver bullets stupid vampyres those bullets doesn't kill us but they hurt like a bitch. I guess everyone believes the myths even creatures that is apart of them which they should know better. I push forward pulling my own weapon out which happens to be a Glock 9 shooting him in the shoulder, but not before he stuck Hazel with the needle he pushes her forward causing her to hit the floor doing the same thing to Mashelle. The only difference was he shoved her harder onto the broken glass near by running out holding him arm. The bullet won't kill him like it would eventually do to a Vampyre. I always lace my bullets with werewolf venom which is something that will keep him down for a little while since him and his brothers have been mating and drinking from vampyres. I notice Emilio run over shooting at some of their men to help Mashelle who have a few cuts while I have a passed out Hazel in my arms because she will always be my main focus and concern.

Emilio: I have Shelle is Hazel okay over there?

She will be fine Milio! I was rubbing her face checking to see if she was breathing making sure she didn't have any bites or cuts. That is when I see Marco he looks angry that I have Hazel in my arms touching her the way I am. But she isn't his I don't care what he thinks or feels him and his wolf knows the truth the Moon goddess didn't give her to them. Marco lifts his gun towards us but before he or I could shoot Killion shoots him in the chest. The dirty fucker doesn't go down instead he runs towards one of the exits doors holding his chest yelling in Spanish for his men to protect him and fall back. Mr. Carter runs over to us kneeling down while Killion and Kamden both ran out the doors after the Maceo brothers and the rest of men.

Kenneth: Camillo is she hurt? Why isn't she moving?

I can sense his panic and fear thinking something is wrong with his daughter so I reassured him she is fine that she isn't hurt but Victor stuck her with something that knocked her out. He nod his head bending down to kiss her forehead while still looking her over before going over to check on Mashelle asking her and Emilio questions about her condition. I can tell that none of her cuts are life threatening and she doesn't need stitches not just because of the size of the cuts but her blood is already starting to coagulate benefit of being a wolf and also having the wolf gene. All the other human guest are still running and screaming even though all the shooting have stopped. My wolf is furious he wants to go after Marco wolf and make him pay for hurting his luna. Hazel smells wrong, off even to my wolf I think they used vampire venom to knock her out which would explain why she smells wrong to us. Those dirty evil mother fuckers don't they know that this shit can be deadly to humans. I turn looking for Angel and Marcello spotting them on the other side both are okay their holding Shannon and Sasha Jackson keeping them safe from being trampled over by the running guest. Killion and Kamden came back in checking on the girls saying that Marco and Victor both got away.

There are a few wounded guest including some of Marco men who I know we will be taking with us for questioning. The human guest will have to be checked for claw marks and any bite marks from the vampyres or wolves. I lift Hazel bridal style telling Mr. Carter that I am getting her out of here. He says keep her safe turning to Emilio telling him to take Mashelle home and keep his princess safe making Shelle roll her eyes at her father and Emilio trying to step out his hold but he pulls her back telling her to be still she will do as she is told. Mashelle looks pissed with Emilio but his eyes glow at her as she looks into them she have to obey. Lastly he turns to Angel and Marcello telling them to get Shannon and Sasha out of here as well that him and the other Carter men will stay and take care of things here. As we head out Shannon tells Marcello that Sasha is staying the night at their place tonight he nod his head saying he will drive her home. He doesn't look like he wants to let her out his sight at all. Which the good thing about it is that everyone leaving lives in the same building we will be able to watch each other's backs on the drive home and once we get there. I get Hazel into the car putting on her seatbelt just as we pull off police, ambulance, firefighters and news vans start to pull up which let me know I will be receiving calls from my parents within the hour once the news mention the Carter's name hosting a party that was shot up. The whole drive home my wolf is on alert looking everywhere including at his luna. As we pull in the garage three black Audi Q5 pulls in right behind us. I know that is our security team because I texted them to follow closely instead of staying in the shadow because that was vampyres that helped the Maceo family attack that party and they did so in front of humans which is something we never do it's the most important rule never reveal ourselves to humans.

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