Chapter 18

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*** Hazel Moon ***

What the hell is going on? Why can't I get my emotions in check? One moment I am making out in bed with the very sexy Camillo while the next I am getting jealous of Emilio who slept with April the skank while I was with and in front of Camillo. Why does this damn mark hurt so much the moment I seen Emilio with April it started to tingle and the moment Camillo closed me out it started to burn in a painful way and my chest started to ache I felt as if I couldn't breathe. I am so confused on all this shit werewolves, vampires, witches, fairies, mermaid, and dragons I never wanted shit to do with any of it. I am only human what can I do in their world not a damn thing but here I am thrown slap dab in the middle. Now all three men are running through my mind Marco, Emilio, and Camillo I feel and sense darkness in all three with Marco being the darkest, coldest of the three. I didn't tell Camillo but when Marco scratched me I saw images of something that I couldn't make out but I also saw Marco sick twisted love for me. It was ownership, obsession, possession and just flat out destructive and toxic making me won't absolutely nothing to do with him or it. Even when Emilio dig his nails in my neck I could feel what he was feeling and thinking I could even see images of him making love or was it Camillo making love that part was unclear as well but his emotions towards me were obsessive and possessive I could tell he wanted to insert his dominance over me more than anything else. I shake my head as I sit in front of the vanity mirror in my powder room that's inside the bathroom staring at myself feeling cold, sad, and pain because of this damn stupid mark. Stupid handsome Moretti twins.

Who in the fuck has a powder room in a bathroom? Who actually needs a powder room? What the fuck is it purpose anyway? Why am I so mad that I have a powder room?

Shannon: You have been sitting here for about twenty minutes looking at yourself in the mirror no one is that vain. Well maybe Emilio he looks the conceited type.

I advert my eyes from myself in the mirror towards her have I really been sitting here that long and didn't notice her there? Please don't Shannon not now.

Shannon: If not now than when? Plus when have you known me to bite my tongue?

Never! I think that's your problem.

Shannon: I think that's why you love me as a best friend and a sister.

Oh no please don't tell me that Mr. Carter is your secret father too? I roll my eyes looking shock for dramatic effect.

Shannon: Oh I wish there's this new Lamborghini I've had my eyes on with these killer jimmy choo heels that match the color of the paint job on the car that I would love to guilt trip daddy dearest into getting if he were my secret father.

I smile up at her this time. Your so horrible Shannon. She shrugs her shoulders walking up behind me starting to flat iron my hair saying maybe she is horrible but you either love her for it or move around. We both stay quiet for about ten minutes when I look up I can tell she wants to say something she have that look on her face. Just say it damn it I know you have something sarcastic, rude, or mean to say so just say it got damn it. She gives me a faint smile with a head nod.

Shannon: So what are you going to do?

What am I going to do about what?

Shannon: Well I ain't talking about the sociopath ex Marco. You know I am talking about Camillo and Emilio the sexy godlike twins that's trying to get in your panties.

I was about to protest about them trying to get in my panties but even I know that's a lie Emilio voiced it personally to me that he would like to fuck my sexy smile off my face. His words not mine. I don't know Shannon this is all too much. Let not mention that every time she mentions Camillo name or I think of him my mark and chest hurts worse.

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