Chapter 58

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                                 *** Danger ***

Camillo it is bad Shadow is hurt!

Camillo Shadow isn't healing!

Camillo Shadow was hurt by vampyres that his mother sent after him, he was protecting his mate Ivy. I keep hearing all the bad words my mom spoke as she came into our room giving me the news of my brother that I somehow feel responsible for even though he is older than me. I think I was frozen until I heard my brother screams downstairs making me snap out of it running downstairs to check on him. He was in the living room laying on a blanket on the couch bleeding out while everyone stood around him watching in panic. He is a vampire why isn't he healing like he should be?

Ivy: He is only half immortal not a full vampire so he doesn't heal like them.

Emilio: But he also have our DNA so he is half wolf as well.

Ivy: He have never turned into a wolf he have never showed signs of being a wolf.

If I were to bite him with my wolf fangs would that work would it turn him so he could heal? Ivy looks conflicted as the girls close their eyes for a vision to try and see if it would work. Shadow lets out a hiss like scream before his eyes start to roll in the back of his head before any of us could act to help him a protective burial forms around him and luna appears in it in only a T-shirt and panties she bends down and whisper in his ear. When she does his eyes open turning a really intense green she calls Ivy forward and whispers in her ear which Ivy immediately bend down over Shadow he grabs her biting into her neck drinking as he does his eyes become enlarge and starts to glow. We all heard Ivy moan as he drinks from her as his eyes goes back to there natural green color than he removed his fangs from her neck. When he licks the wound it seals immediately making Ivy moan again and that is when we can see it his mark on her neck it is like how we marked our mates. Ivy eyes glows as well before turning back her normal color. Hazel drops the burial as we asked if he is okay now she smiles nodding her head yes as he looks at us with his wolf eyes thanking Hazel and Ivy. Before we could get the full story luna tries to step forward and faints Emilio and myself both dive forward catching her before she could hit the floor. Everyone is now concern for her health and well being. Hazel come on open your eyes so I can see and know that you are okay love.

Emilio: Come on luna please be okay.

My wolf and vampire half began to howl and hiss wanting her to be okay we need her to be okay. Mr. Carter who I didn't know was here come over rubbing her head as I held her in my arms. I bend down telling her I love her kissing her forehead as I do she wraps her arms around my neck tightly and it is like I feel something tie us together even closer in a special way. I even feel stronger if that is even possible. Are you okay luna? Everyone is still crowded around us as I try to stand her on her feet.

Hazel: Yes mon rio alpha we are okay.

I look at her confused thinking maybe she is still dazed from helping Shadow she smiles up at me with her eyes glowing. What love I asked if you were okay now luna? She continued to smile at me taking my hand.

Hazel: I know Cam and I told you that we are okay.

She continues to smiles up at me holding my hand and taking it towards her belly for me to feel. That is when I finally catches up with my brain and I realize she is telling me that we are pregnant. I start to smile at her like a idiot as I rub her belly. We are going to have a baby? She nods her head at me still smiling while everyone else catch up with us and start to cheer grabbing and hugging us both. But I don't think no one is as happy as I am I take my luna from everyone else to pull her into my lap taking a seat on the couch rubbing her belly as mom says she will get Hazel and my plates. Ivy tells Hazel thank you again for saving Shadow which makes Emilio ask what happened again.

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