Chapter 68

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                 *** Recovered The Unknown ***

I thought the vision was complete when luna finally seen what was trying to remain unseen or should I say that someone erased from all our memories. But we were sucked into another vision when luna decided to touch the two witches in the vision which was only possible because she was able to find out what was hidden. I would never understand how and why she get vision like this but they all turn out to pay off for us in the long run. How she did this with the both of us was crazy I wouldn't have believed it if I wasn't a werewolf hybrid that had been around and known of magic even before meeting my luna. The essence that we encounter was Mahsuri memories which take us to a known witch club in Texas where a girl name Shay visited. I thought that this vision would piss luna off but I don't get that emotion coming from her right now only determination. Shay was invited into the club by a warlock with jet black hair creamy white skin blue eyes and he stood about 5'7 with painted black nails. He checks her out looking her up and down putting to mind her every being before he allowed her to pass with a my name is Jinx. She couldn't see how the bodies moved within the club as some used magic as they rolled and grind on one another in dance. A few witches and warlocks rub their hands down her cheek as she makes her way through their dancing bodies. It was like she was being pulled forward towards Mahsuri as she moved throw the crowded dance floor where sex, drinking, drugs, and dancing were happening. As she stepped forward Mahsuri eyes light up with lust and desire sensing the girls innocents, light, and goodness something that it looks like her kind feeds on I can feel it and hear it within her thoughts. As the girls mouth opens saying she is in need of a spell or potion to help her sick grandmother a scent of fresh earth lavender and vanilla fills the room that makes all the witches within the room eyes glow and turn to look at her because she have witch blood herself she just doesn't know it yet. Mahsuri eyes glow a rudy red color making the other witches go back to their own guest as she turn back to Shay with a grin on her lips telling her that she would love to help a sick old woman but it would cost Shay some of her blood if she is going to help. Shay looks around the room her on eyes glows for only a second before she turns back to look at Mahsuri looking like she wanted to say no and leave without the help but memories of her sick grandmother plays in her mind over and over which sealed her fate. I think it was Mahsuri preying on the girls fears of losing her only living relative. She agrees but says she doesn't want to hurt or kill anymore for this spell she doesn't want anyone to die as a result of her grandmother being healed. The witch Mahsuri gives her a evil smile before putting her blood into two vials telling her that one is for her grandma and the other is for her and not to worry once she do what needs to be done her grandma will be healed without consequences of anyone dying or getting sick and she will not remember a thing once everything is done not even meeting her. Luna and I pretty much knows what happened next so luna takes us from Mahsuri to Marie Laveau where she meets with Evelyn and Eliza but before she walks into the house of Enzo LaRue she turns herself into princess Emilia which makes luna and I look at each other confused. But we go inside to hear what she will tell both girls which unlike Shay they weren't easily tricked well not when it came to the deal but the idiots did think they were working with princess Emilia which should have been a tell sign to be suspicious because princess Emilia isn't a witch. When Marie Laveau walks out the house she shifts back to herself and teleports herself home where Mahsuri is waiting for her.

( Marie Laveau: Who does the poor soul you cursed think she was making a deal with? )

( Mahsuri: I glamoured myself to look like Akasha after all it is what the queen wanted. )

( Marie Laveau: Do you think the... )

Before we could get the rest of their conversation we are both pulled back into the living room of my mom house. I removed my claws from luna neck to hear the girls and their brothers end the chant but luna is still cold and barely breathing so I do like last time feeding on her fairy magic before allowing her to feed on my hybrid blood. And just like last time her lips on my neck start my wolf to haze and hers too. I have to pull her away from my neck which makes her growls at me as her wolf eyes shines bright through her normal ones. Calm down my little fairy wolf. How are you feeling?

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