Chapter 32

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                             ***Mr. & Mrs.***

**Camillo Moretti**

As we all stepped off the elevator I noticed that as much as Raizo and Rain play and joke with Hazel when its time to work and protect her they take their jobs really serious because they were just teasing her on the elevator but the moment we stepped out it was all business. One walk to her left the other behind her until we get into the car their eyes scanned the parking lot making sure there was no danger. Once we get to the car I open the door for my luna and myself we ride with Emmett and Raizo while Rain and Edmond get into the cars behind us. They speak to each other through the car speaker before pulling off providing information and giving orders on what routes we will take and what happens if formation is broken. I look over to my luna because I can feel extremely anxiousness from her. Are you nervous luna?

Hazel: How did you know?

First you're fidgeting and the mating bond between us allows me to feel what you feel so you fidget I fidget. She turns giving me a small smile I can tell it's forced. I pull her hands apart bringing her left hand to my lips and kissing her ring finger then her wrist leaving my lips there and inhaling deeply to smell her amazing sweet scent. She looks up into my eyes with love, need, and want in her beautiful hazel eyes. God I love how she reacts to any touch from me.

Hazel: I don't know how I am supposed to act.

She is so cute when she is nervous probably because those eyes of hers gets even bigger when she is nervous. Just be yourself luna.

Hazel: I hope Angel didn't tell Shannon that as well if so you guys will have a lot of angry donors.

That makes me laugh, in this short time I've known Shannon she has been very out spoken and a pain in some of our asses but we care for and love her. You will do fine and well Shannon will be Shannon. Let's not add if she does pisses someone off and they have the guts to say something to her after she tells them off Angel will rip their heads off because they will be able to know she belongs to him our scents are strong on our mates just like theirs are strong on us. No one can ever claim they didn't know someone belongs to another in the wolf community because once our wolves pick their mates she becomes his, his smell, mark and being is all over her just as everything that she is becomes apart of us. The rest of the drive is rode in comfortable silence with Hazel by my side which is something I've gotten use to. We arrived within twenty five minutes being a hour late I wonder how my mother would take it? Hell knowing her if it was because of Hazel which it was we would be excused. I open our door and immediately cameras started flashing bright lights everywhere before I am fully out the suv. I stepped out looking at all the paparazzi but also scanning our surrounding Hazel hand me her hand so I can help her out the car which is small, soft and warm lets not forget sweaty because she is extremely nervous. The moment the car doors closes and they see us fully more flashes and questions comes at us from when is the wedding?, Who is designing her dress?, How much was the ring on her finger and who made the dress she is wearing tonight and is it a wedding gown? I feel her hand shake in mine so I lean down and kiss her neck telling her I am here. She looks up at me and smile like always the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I do stop to allow a few photos of us if not they will just harass us later. We walk forward leaving the cameras behind which they still take pictures of Hazel's gown from behind as we head into the hotel toward the ballroom I just hope it's nothing like the last time we were in a hotel ballroom for a event when Hazel was drugged and almost kidnapped.

The moment the doors open everyone turns to stare at us. I make sure to keep Hazel close to my side because even in here cameras goes off everywhere my mother really out did herself again which I've learned that when you give mom a task it will always be done expensively. My mother and father are up front entertaining guest when they see us dad winks at Hazel making her blush. I roll my eyes at them both pulling her forward. Love don't blush at my father. I see that she rolls her eyes at me but before I could say anything I get stopped by the owner of the largest bank in Texas to talk. The guy looks to be about sixty years old and his wife looks to be early thirties just like Hazel she looks like this is her first charity dinner her eyes scans the room nervously. It makes me smile when Hazel began to make small talk with her because she senses her nervousness. Mr. JP tells me he would like for me to invest into his bank unlike others he gets straight to the point no beating around the brush which is something I like about people I do business with. When he starts to get to deep in conversation about work and I see Hazel and his wife look sad and bored I give him my personal number telling him to call me. Before walking away we both tell his wife it was nice to meet her. As we do walk away we get stopped two more times before we arrived at our table. Hazel rub my arm the hold time keeping my wolf and me calm because when we heard the last jerk thinking how badly he wanted in my luna panties I almost shifted just to bite his head off, he is from the Austria pack in Vienna my wolf growls at him before stepping away making him flinch, me smile and luna roll her eyes again.

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