Chapter 76

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                               " Conflict And War "

Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding - Someone that have never experience greed, hatred, loss, jealous, and war.

Mother Teresa once said that peace begins with a smile she must never seen the evil deeds behind a smile of a loving family member or friend. Nelson Mandela also had encouraging words of peace he said; " If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner." Well I say both had the right mindset and good in their hearts but they also never had an enemy that was a father. I am grateful for the transition ritual not only had it made me one with my wolf but with my vampire half, that is how I was able to sense that magical arrow laced with wolfbane headed straight for my mother. Even with the protection shield being up around the entire property that arrow was able to get through not only did it push it's way through our boundaries but the fallen wolves that we were completing the ritual for bodies started to produce black smoke as they screamed like they were being burnt alive. Hazel teleported to me on the stage removing the arrow that was laced with wolfbane which hurt like hell.

Of course with me being a hybrid now the wolfsbane wouldn't kill me but it doesn't mean that it didn't hurt like hell going in and being removed. Once the arrow is out we all turned in the direction that the arrow came from to see that our father, princess Emilia, their sons together that we knew nothing about until recently, Emjay, his father and two dark witches standing on the other side of the protection shield that our witches and girls put up. Our so call father is holding the bow that shot the arrow laced with wolfsbane which is poisonous to wolves he have a victorious smile on his stupid face as he stared in the direction of all of his sons and my mother. I know my mother was the intended target but me seeing the smile on his face from the arrow hitting me really pissed me off it didn't matter who he hit or killed here today as long as it was one of us that was keeping Cameron from him. Before I could react to say anything to him because I had a lot of words for him princess Emilia is shot with an arrow right in her pregnant belly. The look on my father face along with princess Emilia face was priceless it made me feel a lot better I know cruel but they both deserve it. The moment the arrow landed inside her belly they all disappeared inside black smoke. I think to myself I guess that is how we aren't able to smell them coming at us because they are using the dark witches to magically teleport them around everywhere just like with Akasha and Marius.

Hazel: They aren't just dark witches that is working for them my alpha king. They also have half dark fairies working with them as well.

How do you know this?

Hazel: The magic used on the arrow and to teleport them away wasn't witch magic but fairy magic.

Emilio: And what is that?

He points at the burning bodies that have the black smoke coming from them along with screams coming from all of them making us remember the ritual and hear that it was still happening.

Helldog: That is demonic! It is because of the things that bite them doing our battle, they are in transition. They are starting to turn into whatever it is that Marius and the others are.

Before we could ask how to kill them the fire that was set on their bodies get higher and hotter I can feel it from here as it began to sizzle and pop on the burning bodies making the screams die out before the sacramental tables and the bodies are pulled inside the ground enclosing all the wolves inside it burying them. I turn to look at Hazel, our daughters, nieces, and the other witches but they all shake their heads at me knowing what I was going to ask. They all said no that it wasn't them that made what happen to the fallen wolves happen. Hazel closes her eyes along with the other witches making everyone stare at them until they come to a minute later saying it was Aurora the moon goddess and Sabine the great white high priestess that did it.

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