Chapter 31

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**Camillo Moretti**

I went to bed on cloud nine last night after I devoured, loved, and dominated every part of my luna's body two more times. I had made her a promise she wouldn't sleep until I made her climax riding my tongue and we Moretti's never break a promise. The Moretti-Cranach Der Altere word is gold something you can take to the bank. So as I wake up this morning I can still taste her sweet juices on my tongue which makes my wolf hungry for it, for her again. I immediately get hard but when I feel on her side of the bed it's empty. I sat up quickly opening my eyes and getting out of bed going to use the bathroom then grabbing sweat pants and heading downstairs in search of my luna. She couldn't have been gone long because I had no dreams and she couldn't be gone far because my wolf still sensed her. I heard only girl (in the world) by Rihanna playing when I headed towards the music smelling an amazing aroma of food my luna is in the kitchen cooking steaks, eggs, and toast while she dances. I walk in to see her moving her hips and ass all around the kitchen. What a sight it is to see, my erection gets harder I wish I hadn't left my phone upstairs this is a perfect moment to record her. Forgetting the phone for a minute I walk up behind her grabbing her around the waist rubbing my erection on her backside. Oh luna the things this ass does to me. I rub her ass into my erection feeling how warm, soft, and round her ass is as she leans back into my swollen cock I heard a soft moan escape her mouth. I kiss down her neck moving my hand to her treasure going inside her panties finding it wet.

She feels so warm here I pull my cock out my sweats pulling her panties to the side and push forward into her wet little treasure each inch filling her is like a heavenly explosion, feeling the tightness, wetness and warmth of her sweet little sex makes me let out a moan and growl mixed together. Which in turns excites her, she leans forward on the counter as I pump into her at a feverous speed holding her around the hips. I can feel that I am almost there I had dreams about being in her like this I pull her back up into my chest biting down onto her shoulder at that moment I feel her walls squeeze and a rush of her juices runs down my cock as we both find our orgasm. I stay inside of her until we both catches our breath once we do I remove myself from her kissing her neck turning her around placing both hands on side of her face to kiss her deeply she moans and melt into my chest. I tell her to go clean herself and I will get our plates ready afterwards I clean myself in the downstairs bathroom and wash my hands before making our plates. Hazel returns five minutes later meeting me back in the kitchen so we can eat at the breakfast bar together.

Hazel: This is way too much food on my plate.

You will need to eat Hazel to keep your energy up we have been having a lot of sex lately and you barely eat, and you will need your energy for the things I have in mind to do to you. She look at me shocked but she also blushes and think about last night when I had her to ride my face and I began to smell her arousal of her recalling last night events. Oh yes love we will be doing a lot more of that. I wink up at her with a smile on my face I can tell that my wolf is coming to surface because I can see through her clothing to see her nipples are hard while she is rubbing her legs together even her body is heated.

Now sit down and eat luna.

Hazel: Pervert!.

She sits down next to me and I lean over and kiss the side of her head inhaling her scent. I am only a pervert for you luna. We both dig into our plates which I find out she is a really great cook rather she is making breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I notice that she loves eggs so I gave her half of mine taking half of her steak. With a mouth full of eggs she says thank you making me smile because she looks so cute.

Hazel: So what do people do at a charity dinner?

Same thing at a regular dinner love they eat, drink, talk, and pretend like they like the people they're sitting next too. Hazel nod her head going back to eating when her phone vibrates with a text. Which happens to be Shannon asking why aren't we at the loft and can she talk now. I guess Shannon couldn't wait to come visit this morning since I said not calls, texts or visitors last night she must've found out we wasn't at the loft Shannon have a bad habit of not respecting Hazel's or anyone else boundaries. Hazel phone rings two minutes later so I nod for her to answer because its Shannon again and she will continue to call and text until Hazel answers the phone. When she does answer the phone she puts it on speaker.

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