Chapter 22

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**Camillo Moretti**

My heart never pounded so hard and fast in my chest in my entire life. My blood never boiled so hot and hard I was raging, furious, and foaming on the inside. The words Ron spoke through the phone informing me it was Baker one of my head security details that was helping Marco Maceo this whole time. Baker that have been with me for three years working apart of my personal security team. He had turned working for the enemy knowing what I would do if I found out he had cross me or anyone I cared about. I had assigned him personally to my luna my mate he knew my background as a Fenrir warrior and still took the risk. I had also just nodded my head at him to follow my luna out to watch her while she took a call from her grandfather. Everyone seen the panic and fury on my face and the shaking of my hands as I listened to Ron speak through the phone. I yelled outside now

"Hazel Is In Danger It's Baker!"

That's all they needed to hear everyone jumps up grabbing their guns from their holsters running out the door just in time to see Baker hands over my luna mouth trying to get her into a waiting Audi Q5. It's good to see that she is a fighter she kicks and fights him but he is just too big for her to get the upper hand plus he is a werewolf naturally stronger than any human.

"You Fucking traitor let my luna go you dirty son of bitch!"

He freezes looking our way that little distraction allows Hazel time to bite him making him drop her to the ground which in turn he kicks her in the side hard.

Hazel: Ouch! Fuck! Camillo!

Hearing her scream out in pain but also feeling it does something to my wolf and my soul, feeling my mate emotions on this magnitude and knowing someone I trusted caused it makes me want to step back into my old ways. He tries to shift turning into his wolf but I fired my gun. Shooting him in the same leg he used to hurt my luna both shots connected hitting him in the leg twice. The moment I fired at him two guys stepped out the car shooting at us. We fire back hitting one in the side and the other in the arm. Baker tries to get into the car to drive away but Angel sneaks up on him from the side hitting him in the back of the head with his gun which is easy for him to go down because of the poison in him from the bullets. I run over to Hazel picking her up bridal style while the guys detained the other men. I am so sorry luna I came the moment Ron called to tell me. She wraps her arms around my neck holding me tight. Emilio checks on her from inside my arms rubbing her face before turning to tells everyone to take them to the out house. Which is a house on the property my parents use to keep equipment to up keep the property grounds. I head towards the house with Hazel still in my arms Emmett opens the doors for us bowing his head towards Hazel.

Emmett: I am sorry my luna.

Hazel nods her head at him as we walk pass with a weak pained smile. I yell back for the guys to put a collar on their necks to keep them from turning because if that does happen it would be hard to get the answers we need. I hate to do that to our kind, that's something the vampyres do to us to make us comply and keep us as guard dogs but right now they deserve it for trying to take what is mine and hurting my luna. When we enter the house and I lay Hazel on the couch making her cry out in pain the girls start to surround us yelling their concerns. They are starting to piss me off I know it's not their fault but I need to check on my luna and the closeness with all the noise is making it hard to do. Move The Fuck Back Now! And Shut Up!. Immediately they all get quiet which I am grateful for I do feel bad for scaring them and yelling at them but right now my luna is more important and they were making it hard for me to attend to her needs. Hazel honey I am going to lift your dress to look at your side okay? She doesn't speak she just looks into my eyes with tears in her eyes I can tell she is fighting hard not to allow them to spill over and just to nod okay. I lift her dress revealing her black lace panties to see her side is really bruised already from him kicking her while she was down. There are purple, blue, black and red large bruises all down her side making me think a rib is broken. I pressed down slightly to make sure her ribs weren't broken which thank god they aren't.

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