Chapter 4

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                        ***Hazel Moon Black****

I should be on cloud nine right now I got accepted into Brown university with a full scholarship. I graduated with a Juris Doctorate degree (J.D) which allowed me to practice as a attorney. After which I also got accepted into Columbia Law University in New York where I had to work extra hard along with grants and student loans to help put myself all the way through college this time not wanting to ask my now single mother for help because things were already tight back home in Texas, since my father decided he didn't won't to be a husband or father anymore. He did so without word or offering any help to us. But today I didn't feel on cloud nine or high on life at all. I finally finished school, I am no longer an undergraduate but a full law school graduate. I passed the bar and everything, which I knew I would, not that I am bragging but I passed it in high school when I did a practice version online.

But why aren't I happy you ask because the one job I was counting on coming through for me once I graduated didn't even consider me. I graduated at the top of my class from Brown and Columbia. I was in the top five percent if I am being honest I was higher I was number three after a Chinese American and Indian American girl who both were a year younger than me but they didn't get picked either. Which was surprising seeing as there were two positions open and they applied having the best gpa in our class and scoring perfectly on the bar. Not even one question wrong from either of them. They weren't as hurt or upset as I was when we read our rejection emails, however when we seen and heard who the two choices were we did raise a little concern thinking race and gender played a huge part in the firm's decision because both candidates were white males. Which made me believe that everything my mother told me was true that even though we live in a time where race and gender isn't supposed to be a factor it is. People in this world are still racist and sexist which isn't just against African-American people but anyone that isn't white. Racism is something that still affects race, color, and religion and isn't fair but my mom would always tell me life isn't fair that because of my skin tone and gender I will always have to work ten times harder to achieve my goals. Now I am packing up my things in my university apartment because I've graduated and I can't stay here anymore I will need to be out by the end of next month and I can't afford a apartment in New York working cleaning hotels or waitressing tables which is something I've been doing since I enrolled into college at Brown University as well when I transferred to Columbia law I transferred jobs from one Fairmont Hotel to another. Sure I've saved up some money by having student housing but that wouldn't last a year living in New York City so I'm getting my things ready to be mailed back to Texas so I can catch my flight back as well.

The only visitors I've had since moving away is Shannon Jackson, Mashelle Carter, Killion Carter, Kamden Carter and my two brothers. I know why my sister couldn't make the trip she has a son to care for and a nursing job but what about my parents they could have visited right? or at least called every day. That's not fair my mom calls at least two times a week even though she works two jobs. My father could at least call to check on me from time to time, even Mr. Carter calls everyday and texts he even offered to come visit a few times with Mashelle which one time he did he even took me shopping when I told him it was unnecessary. Since my father left my mom it's like he left me as well. It's crazy that the whole time I've been living in New York I haven't made any real friends. Of course I have roommates the same two the whole time I was here but we weren't really close or friends not really okay that's not true I actually like Vanessa. Originally there were three of us in the three-bedroom law apartment but Vanessa had to drop out and move back to Kentucky after finding out she was pregnant. The douche bag that knocked her up denied the baby and wouldn't help her and since student housing are for students only no children no pets she couldn't stay once the baby was born so she dropped out just two months shy of graduation. Clare the roommate that stayed had made up in her mind that since I would talk with Vanessa before and after the news broke about her pregnancy that I was a bad apple that she couldn't be associated with. Which meant we couldn't be friends. Which I didn't mind the girl kind of freak me out anyway. She was always moody with everyone that wasn't in her crowd never eating anything we cooked or ordered keeping her food separate from ours not just inside the fridge but in a completely different one inside her room. Always keeping it dark inside the apartment and having it really cold. Vanessa even made a joke about maybe she was a vampire. I told her, now that's not possible vampires can't go out in sunlight and they have pale white skin with red or black eyes but Clare is a tanned Barbie that's always out with her weirdo friends. Plus vampires aren't real even though there are humans that like to drink blood but that is called sanguinarian but still not vampires. Plus Clare is always out in the day soaking up vitamin D. But If vampires were real she would be the real life walking talking Rosalie Hale from twilight beautiful blonde that everyone wants to be but underneath crazy psycho bitch. We live ten feet apart and I had to email her just to get her to agree to give my things to the movers tomorrow to be mailed back to Texas. And all I get was a will do. No goodbye, safe travels or anything heartwarming after being roommate for two years just a freaking will do. Oh and she hated when Mashelle would visit me like she was a jealous friend knowing she didn't like me at all.

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