Chapter 75

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                              "Rules Of Engagement"

"All Have The Right To Fight, None Have The Right To Judge"

I know Helldog was providing this information because I was his alpha but also it was his job but he also wanted to reassure me that Cameron was good that my baby brother was safe from my evil father and his new crazy child eating mate. It was his way of saying that I didn't need to worry but his reassurance didn't help me. I was furious because our so called father with his greed and selfishness had put Cameron in danger for more power. He claimed he loved and wanted him but he really couldn't care less for the boy at least here with our mom and Diego Cameron is loved, cared for, and wanted. Our father was just like princess Emilia they really were the perfect mates because all she cared about was control and power. Lilith really did a number on her and Akasha even with Vlad and Aurora loving nature towards their daughters. As I watched the video that Ron showed me of them entering Cameron school and class than Antonello hurting Cameron I tried to control myself with counting and breathing hard inhaling in and out my nose but I found that it wasn't working nothing was. I still felt furious as the rage built inside of me Odin and Woden were inside my head howling and hissing as they too fought to control themselves at seeing what Antonello did to Cameron. He might not be our pup but he was still ours he is my brother my baby brother and we wolves protect our own even Antonello should know that but what did the coward do use and hurt Cameron for power.

Helldog: Alpha Camillo you need to calm down.

I look over at the two sitting across from me which is Helldog and Ron. Helldog looks focus while Ron looks scared which makes me look at the others having Emilio show me myself in his mind how I look right now. My phoenix eyes are blazing, claws out long and sharp looking like they can cut through steel my hybrid fangs are the same along with my entire body on fire I even look two times bigger even sitting down. That was why Helldog was trying to reassure me he didn't want me to wolf out and set someone on fire or kill one of them in the room by accident.

Hazel: Mon roi alpha pull the flames back inside you please.

I heard her speak but she wasn't in the room she must have felt everything I did but also having Emilio call out to her to help me. She filled my mind with images of us making loves the other day at the lake which makes me haze especially when she shows me the images of my fangs in her thighs over and over. I began to calm down which makes her stop the images. Come to my luna! The moment my words are out she is in my lap having me bend my head down into her neck to dig my fangs into her mark having her body go limp against my chest as I suck she moans with her hands on my waist. Everything about this was pure exotic it was as Shadow had described about her blood singing and calling out to me. I was lost in her it was her sweet delicious magical blood that somehow tasted even better now so much so that I pulled her even deeper and sucked even harder. I was thirsty and hungry for her blood something that never happened to me before yes I craved her but never her blood and never on this level.

Emilio: Camillo that is enough!

I growl at him as I pull luna deeper into me when she squeeze my waist thinking enough that is when I release my fangs from her throat licking the wound to seal it before I take one of my nails making a cut on my neck for her to drink because I made her weak with how much I had just drank from her. The moment her lips is on my neck my body shiver her lips feels amazing on my skin we both moan out in euphoria having us both haze. I heard a few throats clear in the room at what we are doing to each other I even felt that they were haze as well. I had to pull luna from my neck making her growl at me with her eyes a rainbow color. She was about to orgasm just from drinking from me I felt it in her body and her mouth on my neck. Calm down my little hybrid fairy. She smile at me shyly thinking that she is sorry making me kiss her lips softly but removing them immediately because she is still haze I can smell her arousal she even rubs her legs together thinking she wish I bite down into her inner thigh. You never have to apologize for wanting me luna I want you even more just not right now because of work. She nod her head at me looking around the room at the others before turning around and looking me back in the eyes.

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