Chapter 26

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                          ***What Did It Cost***

**Camillo Moretti**

The drive to airport was smooth no traffic Emmett and another guard drives us there in a bulletproof Range Rover. On the drive Angel was on the phone with his mom which gave me time to sit quietly and think. My wolf was still pissed with me so he was now ignoring me how I was trying to do him earlier all he keep thinking was that his luna was sad and she needed him and because of the stupid human which was me he couldn't comfort and reassure her that she was loved dearly. We get to the jet in no time without any problems. Having Angel end his call with his parents so we could load our own things because we only have one bag each. Since we happened to arrive early we got to take off earlier than expected. The good thing about having a private jet is flight time is always shorter instead of six hours and thirty minutes we arrived in only four hours and fifteen minutes. Even though we both have homes in Vancouver thanks to Angel construction and architect business we stay together at my newly aquired hotel in a penthouse. Since the meeting isn't until tomorrow we both stay inside to unwhined. Angel immediately calls Shannon to check in. Man does this guy have it bad.

I call Killion to find out how did the meeting go with the Maceo family that I should have attended because it was about my mate or as she called me her fucking bodyguard but I had to make this meeting or lose millions. He tells me of course Marco didn't show just Mr. Maceo, Victor, Anthony, and some of their bodyguards did show and how he was surprised to see my father, Hazel grandfather,and her brothers on her mother side there because he thought it would only be his father, him, and his brothers. He also told me that he thought that Mr. Maceo and his son's had something planned because they had like ten bodyguards with them and they smelled vampyres in the area. He told them that he wanted Hazel or his money and Mr. Tueur de Demon told him that he will not be getting his granddaughter at all and as for his money he needed to take that up with Ambrose Laurent so he could get it out of his head and Marco head that they will be getting Hazel. Out of curiosity Dad asked how much did Ambrose owe him and Mr. Maceo told them ten million dollars to pay off the debt he owed to another pack in Russia when he couldn't pay he offered Hazel as payment when she became of age. That mad Dad, Mr. Carter and her grandfather furious so furious that all three told Mr. Maceo that Hazel isn't or wasn't a Laurent to promise to him or his narcissistic son. That Hazel is a Carter and part of the Carter pack and Mr. Carter would never allow any of his daughters to be mated and tainted by Maceo filth. They all seen the angry look in his wolf eyes along with the red rim around his blue to let them know he has not only been mating with Vampyres but drinking from them as well. He stood saying that this wasn't over with and he wanted his money all of it, but before he could walk all the way out Mr. Tueur de Demon stood grabbing his shoulder saying that he can tell this isn't about money not the value he is stating anyway so just make sure if he start playing with fire that he is ready to get burnt. He says Mr. Maceo eyes were huge and held fear from Hazel grandfather deadly threats making him step out of Mr. Tueur de Demon death grip walking out the restaurant speaking in rushed spanish to his bodyguards. I wish I could have been there because this new mind reading thing were people have been letting me into their mind would've probably came in handy especially since their mind wouldn't be as strong now because they have been consating and mating with vampyres. Killion continued our conversation with telling me that he leaves tomorrow going to Dallas but my brothers his brothers and the girls will be going with him. Also that Marcello moved his meeting to a video conference call instead of flying out to Miami. We ended the call after that when I look up I see Angel is staring at me so I asked him what is his problem?

Angel: You're running aren't you? You mated and marked Hazel now your running. That's fucked up man.

I stared at him frustrated since when did we become those men that sit and talk about their fucking feeling instead of drowning ourselves in drugs, alcohol, and ass? Now that's something I would rather do at the moment then bare my soul to him. We aren't even that old shit his is twenty seven and I am twenty six I still have four years before I should be getting serious right? Other alphas take more than one mate sometimes more than three to ensure they get heirs. I spent most of my life letting girls tie themselves to me just to fuck over me in the end I refuse to continue that pattern. Look man I am just trying to protect myself in all this what do you expect after what I've been through? My wolf is furious with me he is thinking if he could he would rip my throat out, he love Hazel he screams that I love Hazel that we mated with her we even marked her together it was a decision that we both made this time. I have never seen or felt him being this angry in my life. Do I know how painful it would be to her if I mated with another after mating and marking her. Angel pull me out my head from arguing with my wolf.

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