Chapter 34

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**Camillo Moretti**

It's been one month since I marked my luna and we had gotten mated and married everything have been great within our marriage besides us not talking about her not wanting children. I made up my mind after that vision or trip into the future I wanted them and I wanted them with her and I would do anything to keep them all safe. I decided to vault that conversation for a later day because I had already won the battle for her to take my last name thanks to Marcello I might as well save the war for a later time. We moved to Miami so I could handle business with the Fairmont Miami Hotel but also the Blue Lagoon Hotel that I had recently purchased to turn into hotel apartments. Two weeks before we left Mashelle told everyone that she got a job at a company in France working as their personal corporate lawyer thanks to Hazel grandfather Mr. Tueur de Demon which she had became even closer with since he found out that Mr. Carter is Hazel's real father. Which I also think it has something to do with Kenneth father and Annetta's father being friends. She left two days after informing everyone that she got the job which we were all happy for her but also sad because everyone was leaving so soon we wouldn't get a proper send off. But I guess that's why she was so excited that night we all left the children's charity dinner because she had found out she had the job that same night.

Of course Killion, Kamden, and Emilio all looked into the job offer she received to make sure it was legitimate before allowing her to leave. Hazel and Mashelle relationship have gotten back on track the two of them talk everyday now. We also found out that same day that Amariah got the job at Mercy Hospital here in Miami as the head nurse in the icu ward that's what her and Hazel were arguing about she was going to turn it down again not wanting to take Amir from his father Kamden because she knew the pain Mr. Carter wolf endured from their mother keeping Hazel from him. But Kamden was proud of her he even told her that he will work from wherever her and his son is because they are his world that's why he never left Texas because of them. It was Mr. and Mrs. Carter who were unhappy not being able to see their grandson everyday like they were use too doing back in Texas. But they promise to send Amir to them on weekends and holidays and they themselves will fly out alot more. The move would be perfect for the Carter's because they had two small packs in Florida that Kamden could oversee personally.

Since Angel and Shannon couldn't agree on anything when it came to their wedding place, dates, guest, dress or any arrangements they took a page out our book and got married here in Miami last week at the fountainbleau Hotel. It was Killion, Javier, Enrique, Marcello, and myself as best men or should I say as witnesses and Hazel, Sasha, Amariah, and Shannon cousin named Lela as her bridesmaids. Everyone wear rose gold, and white including the bride and groom. I am glad that its over with because the way the two of them argue I thought they would break up before they had a chance to tie the knot. Not that she would be able to completely leave him she is tied to him from the soul she would get sick this early in their mating and eventually came back to him or his wolf would have hunted her down first. Karter and Lucia put their foot down on having Mr. and Mrs. Castillo picking their wedding hall which was a catholic church when the Carter's are all Baptist. Since she is pregnant and starting to show they decided to get married next month in the Carter's backyard. Killion and Camilla still haven't set a date on their ceremony but they're happy and he mated and marked her already which is all that matters. Things have been quiet from Marco and the whole Maceo family. But Marco was mad when he got home that night finding Yvette and his three daughters were gone along with their things. He had threaten to kill us all which we were all still on high alert since we know he was working with vampyres and most likely be able to make good on his threats. I have been keeping in touch with Yvette and her girls helping to provide for them since Marco cancelled all her credit cards. The good thing about their mating was it wasn't an actual mating mark to claim her as his wolf mate so she wouldn't get sick from being away from him. We had to move her from Jamaica to Spain because he sent men after her and the children after he found out she was visiting family there. That way with her being in Spain if anything occur we can get to her quicker with Italy not being that far plus the Cranach der Altere have a large pack there to help protect them. I don't see what his problem is with her being gone it isn't like her being gone would or is effecting his wolf he never marked and mated her they aren't tied she just have his pups and I think that is what his wolf is mad about. But other than that little noise he have been good haven't tried to contact Hazel once but that doesn't mean I am letting my guard down. Matteo came to his sense and dumped Sandra after the show she put on at the Children's Charity Dinner but he still hates me made that clear when he started dating one of my ex's and told the press that we had bad blood between us which was something people got over in a week. Sandra however wasn't so forgiving she leaked nudes of us both on the internet which didn't get any bad press on my part but now a lot of women want to fuck me and they stare at my crotch whenever I am out in public. Hazel hates the extra attention I get when we are out she walks ahead to keep from saying anything to the many women that stare which a few she actually went off on before when we were leaving a restaurant.

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