Chapter 59

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                         *** Always & Never ***

Psalms 120:6

Too long have I lived among those who hate peace. I am a man of peace: but when I speak, they are for war.

            *** Camillo Cranach der Altere ***

I was livid as Marco walked in without Sandra with a smile on his face looking directly at myself. It turned out that before Mr. Alvarez knew about Mr. Maceo Marco father being a Lycan the two did business together that helped make both men millions. We had to hold Nikolai and Mikhail back from the Petrov members because that would start a all out war in this church in front of humans. So now we were all fighting to control ourselves which I know Alcaeus had sent them in because he was calling my phone nonstop while also screaming for me to come out and it was like Genevieve said he was running out of time he even sounded weaker. Dahlia showed me a vision of Alcaeus returning to his own body when his time was up to possess Chance because being inside of a wolf wasn't giving his access to his full powers. I feel Marco starring at me with a smirk on his face thinking that he will have what he wants soon. The nerves of this son of a bitch even after he mated with Sandra he still wants Hazel. And what for? Just because she denied him and his mutt wolf. Or maybe he was still trying to get this prophecy child he was told about by her stepfather. It seemed like the service lasted forever as I heard Alcaeus scream for me to come out and Marco sick thoughts of him and Hazel mating and her having his child. After sitting here for three hours the priest finally ended service. I can feel that Chance is still outside but he is no longer possessed.

Everyone stands getting ready to head out I give orders to Helldog, Kyle, Emmett, Edmond, Rain, Raizo, and the other Fenrir warriors that their focus is Hazel, our mates, mom, and our daughters. I heard Genevieve and Dahlia speaking with Hazel I just didn't hear what was said but she comes stand by me along with the girls. She rubs her belly as I talk with Mrs. Alvarez about her maybe moving to Rome to be closer to mom for support for a little while. She tells me she will think about it walking over to talk to the priest. I head towards the doors and Hazel walks behind me with the girls with her head down. When we stepped out our family is there but so is Marco and some of the Petrov standing next to his car where he waits for us with the same stupid smirk on his face. Hazel stepped from behind me seeing Marco and Chance which she grabs my hands rubbing her belly looking up at me. Chance gets into a waiting car that a few of his brothers are in which let me know they knew the whole time Chance was possess by Alcaeus so now I have to kill them too.

Marco: You fucking got her pregnant?

Hazel look in my eyes showing that she is scared and would like to go. So I nod my head guiding her down the steps towards our vehicle. Marco tries to cross back to our side but the light turns green allowing the train and cars to pass by as I open the door allowing Dahlia in the front seat with Emmett and Genevieve and Hazel get into the back seat with me. Everyone pulled off at the same time including the Alvarez's, Carter's, and Castillo's that will be staying in Texas another night. Once on the rode I called a few times to check on the three families we left behind while Hazel sat by the door with Genevieve in the middle both girls look out the window. On the drive to Louisiana every once in a while Genevieve and Emmett would look back at me but I would ignore them. I think it was because I knew Emmett knew what I had done and where I had been last night and Genevieve might had a vision or she was trying to figure it out. We had to make one stop a hour so Ivy, Millie, and Mana could use the bathroom and get something to eat and drink the fifth and last stop we took when I step out the car going to the bathroom myself Marcello attacked me saying that Hazel haven't talked to anyone or eaten since we fought and I didn't come home last night. So I played her words back to him that was stuck in my fucking head like a bad fucking country song than I used the restroom washed my hands and went back into the car. Why aren't you eating Hazel? You do realize that you are pregnant it isn't good for the babies not to eat? She turn looking at me nod her head and look right back out the window as if I haven't spoken and she only looked my way to humor me. The others come out and got back in their vehicles and we drive the last hour to Metairie club gardens where we were able to find four homes that were for sale which happens to be the neighborhood where Hudson, Shadow, Matteo, and my mom already own homes.

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