Chapter 24

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Killion: Camilla is pregnant and the baby is mine.

What the actual fuck?

Everyone guards for my reaction as I look between my bestfriend/godbrother and little sister seeing it all for the first ime. I was wondering why he was in Rome so much and would visit her in college. I didn't think anything of it than I just thought it was his way of watching out for family after all we all consider each other family. I look over at my parents who doesn't seem at all surprised as I am about this or as surprised as anyone else is. You two know already didn't you?

Gabriela: Yes we did Killion come and asked our permission over two years ago and we said yes.

What? You guys have been fucking around for over two years and you didn't tell me shit? I think how did all this go un-noticed under my nose. But than I remember all the fucking issues I was having with that fucking psycho Sandra and all this new shit I've been going through with the changes of becoming a alpha and searching for answers on everything I have been experiencing. Is not completely their fault I've been blind to anyone else shit but mine fuck I am a horrible friend and brother.

Killion: I didn't know how to tell you man Camilla is different she isn't like the other girls I love her man.

I look over at my sister to see her smiling hard as shit at his words so I nod my head at her going to hug my best friend. I can't be mad I marked and mating with his baby sister in under two weeks of me knowing her but it feels like I've been knowing her my whole life.

Kenneth: So all my sons are making me a grandfather what about you Mashelle?

She looks repulsed for a second at his question.

Mashelle: No kids dad.

He smiled at her pulling her into a hug. I can tell that Mr. Carter really does love Mashelle like she is his it really doesn't matter to him that someone else father her he loves her. As happy as I am to be a uncle and that you two are happy I have to go check on Hazel, she have been gone for a while now. Not to mention that I can't feel her emotion right now and since we've mated I have been feeling everything she has been feeling on ten.

Gabriela: Dinner will be ready at eight Cam.

I stand up telling her okay going upstairs into my room to find that Hazel is sleep so I pull off my clothes getting into bed with her. I see that she have gotten completely undress she is in nothing but her panties and bra usually after being freshly marked and mated us wolves wouldn't be able to keep our hands off our mates especially seeing them how I am seeing Hazel with barely any clothes on but her bruised skin just pissed me off. I wish I could bring Baker back and kill him over and over for what he did to our luna. I lean over rubbing my hand down her side where her bruises are trying to take away whatever pain I can take it hurts my wolf and myself to see and know that our luna is in pain and it's kind of our fault for being so trusting.

Hazel: That feels good and hurts at the same time.

I thought she was sleep I didn't realize she was awake or my action would wake her. I am sorry love. I stopped rubbing pulling away to lay flat on my back.

Hazel: Please don't stop.

I moved closer to start back rubbing my hand down her side but also allow her to feel my body heat. I've heard that it also helps with the pain not that I've ever tried it to help anyone but her. Hazel melts into my side perfectly like she was meant to be here all this time, like I was missing her. Her skin smells so good like honey, sunshine, and wildflowers so I lean forward inhaling her scent to lose her would kill my wolf now he is hers mind, body and soul.

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