Chapter 12

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When I heard what they had just called Camillo as we got ready to step off that elevator that is when it truly hit me werewolves, vampires, witches, and probably every other supernatural creatures that I've read about or watched a movie about is real and here I am in the present of a true alpha. I hear a whisper like the wind is talking to me maybe I am loosing my mind but it is calling him the alpha king. I also could've sworn I heard his wolf speaking to me he said I was his but not in a possessive way like with Marco but in a caring way like he would always protect and love me. I shake myself out of it squeezing his hand tighter in return he squeeze mine looking down at me with a smile on his lips. That is when I noticed his Audi R8 from earlier parked in a spot with his name on it but we pass it up. I look up at him as he look down at me lifting his hand at another vehicle.

Camillo: The car right there just up ahead.

It's a freaking Bugatti La Vioture Noire my mouth drop open taking in the car in front of me. He look at me smiling again at me being dumbfounded.

Camillo: Hazel close your mouth it's just a car.

Just a car my ass this baby have a quad turbo 8.0 liter W16 engine, producing 1,479 horsepower and 1,600 newton meters of torque. It has six thats right, six exhaust tips, radical new wheels, and aggressive bespoke fascia and agigantic light up badge out back that spells out the name of the brand.

He looks at me as if I have horns growing from my head.

Camillo: You know car?

Yes I use to help my grandfather work on them when I came home from school everyday it was one of my favorite things to do with him. He would even let me drive them. We get into the car and the way this baby feels on the inside it like heaven, when he starts it the noise along with the feel coming from the engine is everything. He speeds out the garge in perfect control.

Camillo: What kind of car do you drive?

Um... I don't, I mean I don't have a car before I drove my mothers car when she would allow me too then I went off to college and in New York there's no need for a car and I just got back to Texas. I have a little money save up so I will look soon but I was trying to find a job first. I don't won't to mention that I really couldn't afford it.

Camillo: What is your dream car?

I don't have to think hard on that one at all. I have three actually a 1967 Impala, the Lamborghini Veneno and the SRT Dodge Challenger Hellcat. But I can't afford $56,990 for the Challenger so I sure as hell cant afford $4.5 million for the Lamborghini so for now I will continue to uber or take the bus until I get what I can afford. When I look up after speaking I realize we are parked. Camillo drives like a bat out of hell or this car really is fast, silent and smooth. Are we here already?

Camillo: Yes we are.

He unbuckle his seatbelt getting out the car coming around to open my door I undo my seatbelt taking his offered hand. Just like before its warm and feels good wrapped around mine. I look to see where we are parked once I am completely out the car. You know you can't park here they will tow your very nice very expensive car. He smile pointing at the back plates I look seeing he have diplomat plates. My eyes goes big when I look up at him. Who are you? He frown at first looking into my eyes I don't know what he sees but he fixes his expression.

Camillo: I am Camillo Giovanni Moretti-Aimone royal duke of spolet, syracuse and Aosta my father is the second son of King Victor Emanuel Aimone-Amedeo II of Italy but I am also Camillo Giovanni Moretti-Cranach der Altere King Lucas Cranach der Altere great, great grandson.

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