Chapter 2

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                                ***Camillo Moretti***

As soon as I step into the foyer I run into Maria our main cook with her husband Gabriel our gardener. They both greet me pointing me in the direction of everyone to let me know they're in the family room. Hey Gabe there is a new plant, I mean a new flower out in the garden it's white, yellow and gray, I've never seen anything like it. Did you plant it? He look at me like he is confused or I am going crazy telling me he will go check on it. He is probably wondering why all of a sudden I've became interested in flowers and plants. I shake it off turning around going into the family room. I don't know why but I start to have a really bad feeling like something is off. When I rounded the corner I stopped in my tracks seeing everyone here, drinks in hand laughing and talking with my ex Sandra Lambert who is a human with her baby sister Chloe and her best friend Aria Moreau who is a werewolf. Rule number one never tell a human that you're a wolf unless you are going to turn them, mate with them or sure they can keep the secret. Before I could speak to ask her what the fuck was she doing here in my parents house my mom Gabriela Cranach Der Altere-Moretti who is the great granddaughter of Lucas Cranach der Altere stands hugging me telling me it's good to have me home while she also whisper in my ear to please behave. I nod my head taking my eyes off Sandra turning to dad to hug him. I have to remember in front of humans we don't yield or offer our neck's as a sign of respect like we will normally do in front of a Lycan. My father notice my eye cut back to Sandra so he rush to ask me how was things in Vancouver. When he noticed I looked back at him he lets out a deep breath. Angel one of my best friends from the Castillo Mexican wolf pack in Mexico comes to hand me a drink of whisky and hugging me. I take the drink hugging him back than I stand in the corner by him and Killion my other best friend from the Carter's African American wolf pack in Texas.

As I explained everything that happened with the Fairmont Deal. When I get to the part about Mr. Fairmont wanting me to (Mate) marry his daughter and father her children, mom have a look of anger and disgust on her face while Sandra have a look of horror on hers. Because in her mind I am hers. I shake my head at the thought. And here they say wolves are possessive and obsessive. I don't give mom time to ask what I said or did because I know the question is coming next. I tell her as I told him I will not be blackmailed or brought. I was able to finalize the sell without the marriage proposal and I sure as hell wasn't allowing her to carry my child.

Killion: But?

I turn to Killion asking him "But" what?

Killion: Did you still hit that Lisa Fairmont is fine as hell.

My mom shake her head at Killion her godson.

Gabriela: Of course he didn't.

I bend my head down into my glass of whisky smiling into it.

Killion: Oh mama Gabby I think he did.

My mom look shocked standing up coming to hit both of us in the back of the head at the same time, which makes my father laugh at the three of us and my sisters shake their heads in disapproval of our behavior. I walk over to hug the Moretti family princesses. So ( piccola léi lupi) "little she wolves" How is school? I sit down between the both of them while they tell me about school. My parents continue to engage in conversation with the others that I vaguely pay attention to until I heard my parents say they're flying to Texas in two weeks to prepare for the Texas children, children Hospital charity dinner. Which they expect the whole family to attend as well. Like I don't run a multi-billion dollar company or have pack duties that keeps me busy already. Why can't they just be like other rich people send money with a video message and call it a day. I was about to voice my objection when my father shakes his head with a low growl from his wolf towards me. Which irritated me to no end, I am twenty six years old a got damn man. I oversee billions of dollars, manage hundreds of thousands of people humans and werewolves. I've been doing this since I was twenty one haven't I proven myself responsible? Haven't I proven myself a man and alpha worthy. I have to remind myself not to lose my shit in front of everyone. Right now with the way my father just child handled me and my ex Sandra being invited after I've asked them to keep her away I really want to shift and dig my nails into some warm wet flesh. And right now I really prefer Sandra and dad's flesh. My baby sister Mana sees my hands squeezing the glass tight so she began to rub my arm. That helps to calm me instantly, that is until my mother speaks again.

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