Chapter 38

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We were sitting here shocked looking around at the girls wondering which one of them was actually pregnant. I won't lie I was hoping it was my luna especially after getting a glimpse of our girls I really wanted them and I wanted them with my luna. Mashelle still hasn't said a word she looks frozen like she knew she had said to much it was a slip of the tongue but it was still out and it was to late to take it back.

Killion: Shelle what are you talking about?

Mashelle: Nothing Killion let it go please.

I hope she doesn't think that it will be that easy. Mashelle who is pregnant? She shakes her head no as if she isn't going to say anything. I start to get irritated, frustrated, and angry with her because she can be fucking stubborn and strong willed just like her fucking half sister. But I can tell that she can see how angry she is making me because she looks scared and nervous. Hazel comes over to rub my arm to calm me down saying stop staring at Mashelle like that she is being a good friend and it isn't her that is pregnant. I look in her eyes to make sure she isn't lying to me after what Mila did to me with getting rid of a child without telling me I know to be cautious. Hazel heard my thoughts and gets furious with me for comparing her to my ex lovers which makes her remove her hand and step away from me. She was thinking that in this moment that she hated me.

Sasha: It's me! I am pregnant I found out two weeks ago.

We all turn to look at her then Marcello who look angry with Sasha.

Marcello: You known for two weeks and didn't say anything?

We all turn to look at her as she starts to cry which is weird for her she is always so strong and telling him off. But here she is just standing in front of us just crying.

Marcello: Why are you crying baby girl?

Sasha: I don't know maybe because you just yelled at me and you left me alone for three weeks after you got me pregnant and now I don't know if I am having a pup, a witch, or a human baby and I am still hungry.

We all start to laugh as Marcello looks confused at his mate which she start to cry harder just as my parents enters the house. Mom sees Sasha crying and immediately goes to hit Marcello and pull Sasha into a hug making her cry even harder. Moms rubs her back in soft circles allowing Sasha to cry on her shoulder. I would say this baby is making her sensitive.

Gabriela: What's wrong honey?

Marcello left her for two weeks while she is pregnant, emotional, hungry, and confused. Oh and he yelled at her when he just found out she is pregnant and has known for two weeks now.

Marcello: Thank you Cam!

He roll his eyes at me looking really pissed. Oh no thanks needed bro, I am always here to help. Yep I would say he wants to kill me now but I don't care that's for all the times he made luna mad with me or doubt me on purpose. I just smile and wink at him. My mom face lights up at hearing she is having another grandchild on the way. If I am being honest I think that's all she really heard of the whole thing that she is about to be a grand luna again. She call for the cook to make Sasha something to eat rubbing Sasha flat belly asking her how far is she. Sasha looks confused like she is thinking.

Gabriela: If you are unsure we can always schedule a visit to find out don't worry dear.

Sasha: It's not that I went already with Shannon and Hazel I am twelve weeks.

Marcello: Your three months?

He pulls her away from mom rubbing her belly softly. That makes her start to cry again, so he sits down pulling her onto his lap telling her it will be okay. That again makes her cry telling him she still don't know what she is having a witch, wolf, or human baby.

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