Chapter 10

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The moment I stepped into my loft sitting my keys on the bar my phone rings this time before answering it I looked at the caller ID seeing that it's Sandra. I send it to voicemail because I definitely don't want to talk to her. As I get ready to go to bed I heard my phone beep on the breakfast bar next to my keys and wallet. So I grabbed it taking it with me to the bedroom just in case someone important does call I can answer it because there have been a few attacks on our kind lately which no one seems to know who are behind the attacks or why they are attacking us. I look down at the screen to see that it's a text from Killion telling me to go look at Sandra Instagram page. I think so first he tells me I need a break from her and all her drama now he wants me to stalk her social media page what next answer her calls. I am too tired to argue this so I text him back letting him know that I will go look into it. At first I was thinking that I should get rest than check but something told me to look at it now so I pull up the app logging into my Instagram page to go see what he is talking about. My eyes are definitely enlarged by the sight before me because on her page is a picture of two freaking pregnancy test not just any pregnancy test but two positive pregnancy test with a hashtag saying we are expecting and since she never took the photo down of the two of us as her main profile picture people are tagging me on this shit congratulating us including members of my packs on the Moretti and Cranach der Altere side. This woman lost her got damn mind. Before I could comment something stupid that would probably get me into a lot of trouble my phone rings again. My eyes was still focus on the positive test and the comments from everyone else and not the name flashing across the screen. I snapped out of it because this time it's my father so I answered the phone. He doesn't allow me to get a word in first before he starts to speak.

Antonello: Cam what the hell is going on? Sandra have people including our packs thinking that you two have another baby on the way.

My father sounds like he is about to blow a gasket. It's like he is furious with me, even his wolf seem like it's on the edge of breaking through to get at me for something I have no freaking control over. I can hear the alpha in his wolf voice speaking with all authority, as if that worked on me anymore. Look dad I need for you to calm down you know I didn't father this baby I have been gone from Rome for a year. When I was returning it was for a day or two at a time only which I was with you and mom at your place this last time I was gone for two months straight if and that's a big if she is pregnant that baby isn't mine it's Matteo Ferrari baby.

Antonello: I have no doubt that this baby isn't yours but you need to get ahead of this son she is putting the families names in all this shit.

I tell him I will that I am working on it now then I hang up the phone not waiting on him to continue. It really piss me off when he talk to me like I don't know what I am doing like I am some kind of child or he try to us him alpha authority to control me. That is another reason why I am leaning towards taking over for my mothers packs the Cranach der Altere pack. At least with her I will have complete control to lead and I don't have to worry about anyone trying to tell me what to do all the time or trying to control how I rule. I will leave Emilio to deal with dads shit. I call Ron to have the photo taken down immediately and monitor her accounts on all social media platforms I don't won't my name associated with hers anymore. Next was a call to my lawyer because I am tired of playing this game of merry go round with Sandra. I am a public figure I can't be seen wolfing out on her so I will have my lawyers to fight this battle that way she knows I am serious about me wanting her to leave me the fuck alone. My wolf hate me using humans to do our job he wants me to rip her throat out but I can never do that to a human especially a human woman because at one point I did care for her. I turn my ringer off after sending a few texts and emails so I could take a nap before I had to get ready for tonights event that I would rather not attend but it's disrespectful not to attend another packs celebration when you are visiting in their territory when they invite you. I remove my clothes climbing into bed within minutes I fall into a deep sleep tired to shits from this morning events.
I have just came in from a perimeter run with some of my pack warriors we got word that some rogues were circling some of our territory scaring some pack members. I had been gone all night securing the area and I was now getting ready to head to Moretti Holding's for a meetings. I was high on life from the exhilarating run I just had with some of our pack warriors. I kissed Sandra than went to baby Heaven's room to show my princess some love kissing on her little cheeks and hands before I could leave I had to change and feed her which was something I didn't mind because I love my princess. I had a room set up here just for her whenever Sandra and her would stay over at the council house with me which was happening alot lately because I was here everyday after I left my company because I still had pack duties. Things were going well Sandra and I were really trying to work things out between the two of us. Even with my wolf always screaming in my head not to trust her, I didn't listen I devoted my free time to trying to make us a family. After taking care of Heaven I kiss her head laying her down in her crib making sure to remove all the pillows that Sandra always stuffed in there with her. Shouldn't she know that this is dangerous shouldn't women be all motherly and protective over their first child. Heaven wasn't born with the mark her eyes doesn't change when she cries either that means she is full human, so that mean we have to be extra careful with her. As I walk out I look back into her room twice just to make sure she is okay before I actually pulled the door close. The whole drive to work all I could think about was Heaven little nose, hands, fingers, feet, and toes and how I just wanted to stay home and hold her all day but I had two very important meetings. Which the moment I pull up walking inside my first meeting started the moment I entered into the conference room. Only lasting a hour in a half luckily for me my next appointment that was meant for noon arrived a hour earlier which was turning out to be my lucky day. I was in such a good mood that I gave the company the loan they needed to keep their company a float. As soon as the meet was over I told my assistant to forward all my important calls and let everyone know that I am gone for the day. The whole drive home there were visions of Heaven playing in my mind I couldn't wait to get home to her my world had started to revolve around her, she had me wrapped around her little fingers.

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