Chapter 53

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**Camillo Moretti**

My mom had us all dumbfounded and speechless when she shift back from wolf to human after killing the millennium wolf. No one expected it was her as she digged her fangs deeper and deeper into Aragorn jugular ripping into it and ending with breaking his neck. She is just always so calm, loving, and well mannered especially doing social events. Plus she haven't shifted in over twenty years which caused her to start aging a little again but she didn't mind it. Our mother said seeing Aragorn coming for her boys filled her with a unspeakable rage making her shift in thin air killing him. Something she doesn't regret one bit because she was made to protect us. We followed her to a changing room while they removed Aragorn body from the middle of the event hall. None of his pack members say anything or made a move to fight they were relieved he was gone at least the few that had visited with him. Which after the removal of his body the harvest moon festival went on as planned. The four women that he had a witch to spell bound in order to have them as mates were all thankful to our mother along with their true mates. They had all came to mom thanking her along with pledging their allegiance to her which since mom was a Cranach der Altere they were pledging their allegiance to my packs. My mom said that our father was just trying to keep the peace and stop Aragorn from trying to kill us. He know Aragorn had access to his thoughts so that is why he thought that thought to make him think that he was on his side by having us under his control but he would never truly do what he thought about removing my fangs.

Our father had heard Marco talking to Sandra about starting a war between the millennium wolf packs and us. So while we were killing each other he would be trying to kill us as well making us think it was each other killing off each others men. It would've been a great plan had not mom killed the millennium wolf instead of it being me. When we head back down after mom changes into a new gown because she ripped hers shifting Hazel had ran into her friend Chance Argern that worked at the Fairmont Plaza Hotel in New York with her while she was trying to get her degree from Columbia. When I see him for the first time that is when I remember that I do recognize that name he was or should I say is part of one of the New Zealand packs. There are a total of four in New Zealand the Argerns, Tarrants, Luxons and the the Karanagh pack. That is when I told Hazel who he really was because I am guessing since she didn't know about her friend Vanessa and her other roommate when she lived in New York she didn't know about Chance either.

When he shakes Emilio, Marcello, and my hand he looked nervously at the three of us but smiles brightly at my luna like it makes his day to see her again. When he turn towards the gemini twins he looks scare but still shakes their hand that is when they get a vision that Chance know that Marco had been watching Hazel while she was away at college. Marco had asked the Luxon and Tarrant packs for help to keep a eye on her but they refused to watch a human because she had no real value or use to them. That is when Chance made up in his mind that he would protect and watch over her to keep her safe from whatever Marco had planned while she was in New York. After he shaked their hands luna introduce the girls Genevieve and Dahlia as her daughters and Celeste and Freya as Emilio and Mashelle daughters he looked confused at first I think even a little jealous before he smiles brightly at them as well seeing that luna wasn't joking about her introduction. The girls told luna what they saw when they shook his hand and Hazel was upset that he didn't tell her he was a wolf and he know that she was being watched but she forgave him for looking out for her. I know she would forgive him because she cares about him that is who she is she cares for people that is what she does its like it was programmed into her DNA.

That night everyone participated in the moon glazing until eleven and then they stripped out their clothes to start the mating ceremony for the blessing of fertility but Hazel, Vanessa, the twins and myself. As expected luna thought it was gross and inappropriate to fuck in front of other people it didn't matter if it was in wolf form or not to her it was absolutely not going to happen. Vanessa and the girls tried explaining the importance of the ceremony to her but all that played in her head was other people watching us fuck. It's crazy because even my parents joined in and they aren't even trying to have more children. I hated that the twins had their eyes on a few teenage werewolves that night which I was not having at all not my girls. I growled at the boys to order them the fuck away from my girls which made the girls mad but I don't care their aren't wolves it may be okay for thirteen year old wolves to participate in hazing and sixteen year olds to join in with the harvest moon ceremony but not my girls I just refuse to allow it to happen. They were only thirteen years old for crying out loud. Emilio had picked one up by the neck when he circled back around towards the girls Hazel had to use magic to make him release the boy. When we left for the night Celeste, Freya and him argued about boys and he grounded them for the rest of their lives. They put him in a magical fire circle because they were mad that he embarrassed them in front of the boy and grounded them. Vanessa had to release him from the magical encasement they put him in when she did he told them he was going to bite them to turn them into hybrids so they never die and ground them until infinity. Mashelle had to calm the three of them down to get them in the car with each other for the drive home. I'll say parenting isn't working to well for him well not the having girls part. The next day after the Harvest Moon Festival mom had a meeting with the elders they were now all afraid of her because of how she change and ripped the millennium wolf apart. The meeting was for every Lycan leader, elder, and ranked alpha from around the world that had showed at the Festival it was a command for them to show the only ones that didn't attend was the Ferrari's and the Maceo alphas but that was to be expected because Marco knew I would rip his head off giving the chance and Matteo and his father didn't attend the festival and they still wasn't talking to our family. Emilio and I were there in body but our mind had taking us to Vlad Castle were the male gemini twins were chanting something over Akasha while she laid in her bed eyes close but we could tell she wasn't asleep the language wasn't clear nothing the girls ever used but then again they did say that their brothers were now dark witches. The one name Vincent broke the spell opening his eyes while his brother still chanted he turned to look at Emilio and myself with a smile on his lips letting us know that he could see that we were here.

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