Chapter 33

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                           *** Confrontation ***

**Camillo Moretti**

Everything was starting to come to a end when we heard someone yell your hurting me we all turn to see Marco gripping Yvette tightly by the arm he is pulling her towards the exit as she is trying to pulling away from him. We all look over at Killion knowing he use to be in love with Yvette but he just wrapped his arms around Camilla rubbing her belly and kissing the back of her head. We all see Marco slap Yvette across the face hard.

Hazel: Camillo can you do something?

No love not without starting a war love and he knows this that's why he is doing this. Marco turns to smirk at us than blow a kiss towards Hazel it made my wolf and me furious thinking we should take his jaw and lips off. Hazel rubs her hand down my arm to calm me down. While he was looking at us Yvette knee him in the nuts and takes off running out the door I nod for Edmond to go check on her hopefully get her out of here and away from Marco and the whole fucking fucked up Maceo family. Only God knows what that family is doing to her and these children since they're mating and drinking from vampyres. We were all busy watching Marco little show that I didn't notice Sandra walk over and push Hazel calling her a home wrecker along with other bad names.

Shannon: Bitch keep your nasty fucking hands off my friend or I am going to break your pretty face Barbie.

Angel holds her back just as she was about to swing. Sandra I think it's best you go back to your fiancé and his family.

Sandra: You would choose this bitch over me?

Shannon: You stupid bitch Angel please let me get at her.

Sandra watch your fucking mouth! Watch what you call my wife.

Sandra: Your wife! Your wife.

She say the words as if they leave a bad taste in her mouth.

Sandra: Are you fucking kidding me.

I am warning you Sandra leave now!

Sandra: Are what? You are going to hit me again?

She knows what she is doing! I want to murder this psychopath all sympathy I once had for her is long gone.

Hazel: Sandra you are embarrassing yourself look at the show you have caused.I think you should think about the baby inside you. Stress isn't good for the baby.

Before Hazel could say anything else Sandra yells shut the fuck up that she isn't pregnant anymore she got rid of it and it's all Hazel fault. Before any of us could react Sandra slaps Hazel across the face which was loud. Hazel leans back and punches Sandra twice in the face with all her strength. Sandra falls to the floor holding her bloody nose screaming Hazel is crazy and she thinks her nose is broken.

Hazel: Next time you touch me I will do more than break your nose Barbie.

She stands back up straight from leaning down over Sandra stepping over her walking pass us towards the doors. We all stayed still staring at her retreating back because we are all in absolute shocked Hazel is usually really good at remaining calm and not reacting to bad situations like this. The moment she passes Marco he tries to grab her arm but she turns and kick him in the balls hard making him drop to his knees holding them.

Hazel: If you ever touch me again I will castrate you.

Her words are loud enough for the whole ballroom to hear especially since they turned the music all the way down. I can see from the corner of her eyes that they are glowing. Marco flinched at her words and I am guessing her eyes too, he fixes his expressions looking furious trying to stand but before he could do anything Rain and Raizo step forward looking him in his eyes with deadly evil stares. He tell them to move pushing pass them leaving out the room. Hazel walks out with Raizo and Rain which I hurry to follow them stepping around Sandra who is still on the floor crying. The guys and their dates follow behind me stepping over or around her as well no one offered to help her up.

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