Chapter 7

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***First Meet***

I had to get myself together I had to pull myself out of my own mind from thinking about mating, powers, and pack duties. I have to prepare myself I will be on a jet for almost thirteen hours with these jerks that like to be in other peoples business and crack jokes. But also I knew I had to keep my wolf under control he hated being caged for to long especially in the air like this we both loved running free feeling the blow in our fur and dirt between our paws. There is no waiting time the moment we take our seats we are in the air I guess I did make us all late after all. I know they all would like to talk about Sandra and me but to keep that from happening I pull out my laptop putting in my airpods and began to work. How do I tell them I hate her guts but a part of me still care and she knows what I like in the bedroom so the sex is always amazing and mind blowing. I get to tie her up spank her small round ass, hips, and thighs until my heart is contempt and she love it. I just wouldn't ever trust her again to be with her bare because she tricked me the first time saying she was on birth control knowing she wasn't. Also knowing she wasn't ready for motherhood she keep the baby only to neglect and kill her later. You see birth control doesn't work on she-wolves like it does for human women, we think it have something to do with our body temperatures any human medicine really our bodies burn through it within mintues. Okay Camillo clear your head dont think about Sandra you need to actually get some kind work done. Maybe I should move from Rome get a clean start I can fly back once a month to check on things at the company. Emilio, Marcello and dad will still be there to look after things when I can't. Just for a few months maybe even a year just to give myself time to heal and clean myself up. Oh and get away from Sandra and Matteo before I end up killing them both. I can take over the Cranach der Altere packs like mom wants with how big those packs are I can lead from any where around the world because the packs are broken up in sectors. The Moretti and Cranach der Altere name have been clean for five years war free not challenged if I am to keep it that way I need to stay away from the Ferrari and Lambert families. I email my lawyers about the Mastro Grille that I have been having my eyes on for a while now since I will be in Texas I might as well try to get a meeting with the owner. I did say I was going to work the whole trip it was the other guys going to party.

I got a email back within ten mintues letting me know they're working on it now that I will be contacted within twenty-four hours. A few more hours pass by and I am tired of looking at the laptop screen so I close my eyes happy that I dont think or dream of Sandra I just listen to the guys talk about their businesses and problems. Next thing I know I am seated next to a caramel complexed woman with white hair, not blonde not gray but white hair even her eyebrows and lashes are white I move down from her hair to her eyes at first glance they look white as well but than they start to turn like a rainbow color until they set to a purple color. Now I know I had to have fallen asleep. I am dreaming right now right? But would I still be on this plane in my dream? Your eyes are purple how are they that color?

Lady: The same way that your eyes look like phoenix eyes right now. Not the typical blue, teal, gold, black, or red colors of wolves eyes.

How do you know about werewolves? You aren't like us I would smell it on you.

Lady: Your right I aint of your kind not in the wolves sense but neither are you not at the moment your human as am I. Your conflicted as well could that be why your eyes shine the way they do now?

I lift my phone to my face to see that my eyes are as she say not the gold color they're suppose to be not like a normal wolf anyway. No I am not conflicted I know who I am. I am a werewolf. At that moment my eyes turn into my wolf eyes bright glowing green. See green wolf eyes I turn to look at her and she is gone. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep for real until I am being shaken awake.

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