Chapter 6

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                          ***Camillo Moretti***

Beep, beep, beep, beep!

I groan as I reached forward to turn off the alarm clock on the nightstand. My head is pounding and my wolf is growling at me to lay back down. I know it's from all the drinking we did within the past four nights since I arrived back in Rome and last night wasn't any different. After getting off work and handling pack duties we went to a local werewolf bar that sells absinthe alcohol. That is the only kind of alcohol that can truly get wolves drunk. Once it closed we went to the closest nightclub where we drank until it closed. Our last stop of the night was a human BDSM club open 24 hours call "Bondages" to have fun spanking willing young ass until around six this morning. Our appetite when it comes to sex is a little different then most men so these type of establishments helps us release stress and gives pleasure. I came home afterwards and passed out only to be awaken by my damn alarm clock at 9:30AM this morning. On top of the ignoring alarm someone has my curtains wide open allowing the sun in which is hurting my eyes. My wolf growls again at the light coming through, I feel for the remote to close the curtains because his growls are making my already aching head hurt more. I find it on the nightstand by the alarm clock hitting the button to close it. That's much better, I lay back down for a few minutes. I don't have any meetings scheduled for the pack or the company. So I don't have to go anywhere any time soon not the office or the pack hall. Not that I wanted to step foot in the place that reminded me of Heavens death and Sandra betrayal the pack hall has become the last place I ever wanted to be since that day. I can work remotely from home on anything that might need to be done.

Closing my eyes my headaches subsided immediately and a vision of the most beautiful hazel eyes comes into view, my wolf stands up happy, excited even about these beautiful eyes. Now who is obsessed with eye color? When he growls the eyes disappeared. I think Emilio must've let me inside his mind again without being aware which is something that's been happening a lot lately. I can sense his sexual frustrations with whoever belongs to those eyes, there's no real connection his wolf wants to dominate this girl. I try to make myself think about anything else but she pops back into my mind like a damn bad song. Even though I can't see her actual face her eyes have me hypnotized, my wolf eyes zoom in on her naked body which starts the haze within myself. This is different this isn't me seeing through Emilio memories or his eyes but hers it's like she pulled me into her mind which is something thats never been done before. My wolf and me feel her flinch from pain, why are we feeling her emotions? We look down to see what she is looking at to see a crescent moon and the sun mark. The moon is grayed in and the sun is bright red like it's still forming. My mind immediately think of a lunar eclipse. She look up into the mirror and it's like our eyes lock with each other green on hazel. But that's crazy right she can't see me could she? Her eyes goes huge with a sharp intake of her breathe as if she could. Than something strange happened I felt her pain as if it were my own on my waist burning hot making me snap out of whatever it was I was just in. I sit up quickly looking at my right hip where I felt the burning at. What the actual fuck? There on my right hip where I felt the burning, there is a grayed out crescent moon. What the hell is this? How did this happen? Is she a witch, wolf, or vampire? No she isn't any of these I can tell that she is human. How did she do it? How did she make this appear on my skin? Now my wolf is mad with her he wants it off me, he wants it off us. What the fuck am I going to do about this? How do I explain this? I shake my head to get my wolf to shut the hell up then I hit the intercom button to call down for coffee and breakfast that is the only way I will completely get up and stop thinking about this woman who just marked us. She freaking marked me a Moretti. But how did she do it why did she do it?

Once I have the cook to start breakfast, I get up going to the bathroom turning on the shower making sure to leave the water cold. I turn opening the medicine cabinet to grab some extra strength Tylenol. I swallowed down four pills without watering our bodies burn through a lot of things that human bodies takes time to dissolve. So four of these pills to us is like one to a regular human. I removed my clothes getting into the shower the cold water wakes up every muscle in my body as I knew it would. I take about twenty minutes too clean myself up, which is to long because my stomach starts to growl letting me know I and my wolf are hungry. Which I am surprised it's not sour considering I didn't eat anything yesterday before all the drinking of the absinthe alcohol but I blame that on Sandra because the guys and I had reservations at La Pergola in Metropolitan city of Rome but the moment we were seated Sandra came in and was seated at the table right next to ours with Matteo, Massimo and her best friend Aria. I lost my appetite at that very moment. It didn't help that the asshole smirked at me while grabbing Sandra ass as if that is what bother me, he could have that bitch my wolf and me both thought. What pissed me off is that she came by my house begging me to take her back everyday this week including that morning to only see her later that's day with him. Why haven't she actually moved on I can tell Matteo marked her his bite mark is clear to anyone with wolf eyes. I don't want to continue to think about her or him they both deserve each other. Whoever said keeping your hands busy would help with clearing or keeping your mind clear lied especially when you don't won't to think about someone you rather not give your time or even you energy too. I continued doing my morning routine still thinking about Sandra and Matteo out only because every time I see him or her I think about Heaven my baby girl that's no longer here because her mother was so stupid. My wolf growls at me to not go there he hates how strong my human emotions are. I grab my phone after getting dress in a T-shirt and Grey sweats heading downstairs to eat. When I get into the kitchen Emilio, Marcello, Killion, and Angel are all woke and in the kitchen drinking coffee.

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