Chapter 52

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                    *** Harvest Moon Festival ***

** Camillo Moretti **

As we get ready to head home Mana walk in to stay the night with our mom because Nikolai had to visit his club in Venice and she missed mom. So we hugged and kissed our baby sister before we left everyone stayed at their own homes tonight but the girls. Genevieve stayed with mom, Dahlia went home with Emilio, Celeste went with Marcello and Freya went home with Killion and Camilla to help with the baby. Vanessa went home with Hazel and myself which made Helldog pick tonight to secure the house I think he and Vanessa have started talking because I always smell him on her, she doesn't know it but she is his now. While Hazel and Vanessa takes their showers after I am finished with mine I get stuck with babysitting duties which I don't mind Grace had her bath and she is completely whined down so we both lay in bed in Hazel and my room watching the news until we both fall asleep. I don't wake until I feel someone trying to move her from my chest so I tighten my hold on her and she tighten her hold on my shirt. My wolf and I actually love Grace just like we do with Genevieve, Dahlia, Celeste, and Freya.

I open my eyes to see Vanessa she tells me she was trying to put Grace to bed. I nod my head loosing my grip but Grace holds me tighter moving her head side to side as if she was saying no to her mom. I tell her I will keep her with me for the night to just bring her diapers, a bottle and milk then I close my eyes to sleep feeling Hazel climb in bed next to us. I guess I was getting in pratices in for when the time comes for our own. Little Grace woke up twice doing the night and through all the noise that Grace made my beautiful luna slept through it all. The next time she woke up was after eight in the morning so I stayed up and we went down to make breakfast. I mean I made breakfast while she made noise and mashed baby food in the high chair. I'll say she isn't a fan of peas and pears so I gave her scrambled eggs and she ate them all. I heard Alexa saying front door without looking at my phone or the security cameras I knew it was my brother Emilio, Mashelle, and Dahlia. The moment Grace sees Emilio she starts talking baby talk really loud at him and he rolls his eyes walking over to her picking her up from the chair which makes her happy her little chubby arms wrapped around his neck with a smile. I'll say she likes him more and uses me until she can get to him. Emilio hears my thoughts thinking I could have her if I really want her. Mashelle sit down smiling at them and I hand her a plate of food kissing her cheek which she smiles saying thank you.

Emilio: Keep your lips off my woman.

I laugh at him telling him I think she prefer my kisses winking at her which makes her blush.

Emilio: Don't do that Shelle I will spank you.

Hazel walks in the kitchen with bed hair and I kiss her forehead.

Hazel: Whats wrong with you Moretti/Cranach der Altere men loving to spank women to get them to behave?

Oh I got this one brother! It makes you girls behave and excite you while it brings us great pleasure watching your excitement and turning your ass red. I pop luna on the ass forgetting that Dahlia is in the kitchen with us.

Dahlia: Okay I am taking my cereal to the living room.

I turn towards Dahlia apologizing to her kissing the top of her head before she walks out rolling her eyes at me.

Hazel: Omelette please.

Coming right up luna. Emilio tries to sat Grace down but she starts yelling pulling his hair which we can tell it hurts because he starts to yell too. Vanessa walks in making her let his hair go I think I can take waking up in the middle of the night changing diapers and making bottles but I draw a line at hair pulling and yelling. Once I make luna her omelette I sit down to eat myself that is when Emmett, Edmond, and Kyle comes in to discuss security and travel again like we haven't just went over it a few hours ago at the council meeting. Which we will all be leaving from my house even my parents will come here first. Everything was falling in line perfectly so far they already had a live feed going from the event hall to their phone and ours with the help of the owner thanks to the family knowing our mother. No one was willing to risk our love ones life knowing that Marco would be there we all know that Akasha wouldn't be to far behind he would even probably have Sandra with him if he was feeling cocky which she was allowed after all she was his new mate. When the guys got up to leave with food in hand Marcello, Sasha, and Celeste walked in making themselves a plate of food. I asked Hazel what did she have plan today before the festival seeing that it wouldn't start until six. She tells me nothing until three when mom will have someone coming to put her in hair and make-up which she doesn't look excited about.

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