Chapter 15

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                             ***After Party***

**Camillo Moretti**

As I wake up completely I heard a noise inside of my apartment someone is in my room. I sit up so fast grabbing my gun clicking off the safety pointing it at the intruder while I was also half way shifted into my wolf. Don't fucking move.

Hazel: Please don't shoot me.

I have to blink a few times to see Hazel standing by my bedroom door hands up shaking immediately my wolf eyes rack over her body to make sure she isn't hurt. Fuck I am so sorry luna. My wolf growls at me telling me to put the gun down because I am scaring his luna. I jump out the bed sitting the gun down hands up so she knows I am not a threat to her while trying to walk towards her. I retrack my claws and my fangs making my eyes go back to there natural color. I am sorry my luna you scared me I wouldn't shoot or hurt you.

Hazel: Yea you scared the piss out of me too Camillo I mean that literally can I use your shower.

I look down at the floor to see that she wasn't playing. I scared her to were she pissed herself probably seeing the gun and me half shifted did it. When I reached out to touch her she flinched a little bit.

Hazel: I am sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just woke up alone and the door was closed. I forgot where I was or didn't know where I was since I only remember being at the party last. Can I shower please?

Yes you can luna. I step aside pointing at the bathroom so she could walk pass the moment I heard the shower come on I go grab my phone calling my head of security telling him to keep a eye on the apartment because I have to step out than I go to her purse to get her keys going to her apartment to retrieve her some of her things once inside the place is empty so I am guessing Mashelle went to her parents because knowing Emilio he invited one of the women from the party over. I know where her room is because it smells of her. I head that way going through the draws first to grab bra's and panties, everything is laced, sexy, and new like the set she had on that my paranoia made her mess up. I throw her things on the bed that I grabbed out the dresser than I go into her closet grabbing a bag and a few things to fill the bag with and head back before she gets out and notice that I am gone. I make sure to lock the door when I leave because I don't want to chance someone getting up here getting in. I will have to make sure that an alarm is installed as well not just the security camera. Once inside my place I still hear the water from the shower running so I put her bag on the bed in the room she is sleeping in only grabbing a bra and pair of panties. A royal blue set because I know her skin complexion will look perfect in this color. I head back into my room going to place her things on the bathroom counter and closing the door behind me once I am out. I am a complete gentleman I make sure to keep my eyes down case because the door to the shower is made of glass. I clean up the mess I made her make putting the dirty towels and mop in the wash room housekeeping will be here to clean a lot better. My wolf and I are still kicking ourselves for making her that scared of us. I wonder if it was because of the gun or her seeing my face and eyes as a wolf. I pour us both something to drink because we will need it, especially after what just happened now as well as earlier. Within ten minutes we heard the water cut off which we both get eager to see her face. She stick her head out the bathroom door and I sit up straighter looking her way. Everything okay luna?

Hazel: Um huh but can I have another shirt please?

I smile getting up to get her one of my T-shirts handing it to her through the door. She grabs it opening the door pulling it over her head I see her marks still matches my own I also noticed that her scent is intensified with the smell of my shower gel. I turn getting back in my bed pointing to the glass on the nightstand that belong to her.

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