Chapter 77

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               Turn Your Wounds Into Wisdom

Even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we  go from here. - Someone Wise.

What a shitty way to start the holidays! The holidays are suppose to be joyous filled with family, friends, food, love, happiness and hope. But not ours, no not us we get enemies, hatred, sorrow, and despair all wrapped up in two black ugly bows which is our father and his new mate who are as evil as one could be.

After I had said my peace correcting the elder that would try to tell my brothers and myself how to lead our packs Hazel and I took our seats at the main head table to eat. Something I was having a hard time doing because we still got a lot of stares from visiting packs but I ignored them as best as I could along with the food in front of me. It wasn't because I wasn't hungry if I am being honest I am starving I have never been this hungry in my life which is something that happen from the moment of the transition ritual merging with Woden and Odin. But the reason I wasn't eating or worried about anyone starring at me is because we were listening to their thoughts while my luna and the girls were silently chanting listening to what was going on outside with Vanessa, Helldog, our mom, the twenty witches and the others that was out there helping them. I could tell that some here were trying to control their thoughts around Emilio, Marcello, and myself which it wasn't necessarily that they were working with our enemies but they were just scared and nerves around us. Which was understandable because they weren't use to our kind having this kind of abilities not even the lycan leaders of the packs. But what they didn't know was that it wasn't only us three that could hear inside their minds but everyone we had turned into hybrid. I guess this gift is a vampire thing because only lycans have mastered this gift not just regular wolves. I think the lycans abilities have something to do with the original spell cased by the witches on lycans to make them live longer. Because they had to be smarter, stronger, quicker, and faster than their opponents which all of those abilities affect the senses like hearing people thoughts gift.

A hour had passed since we left the others outside to help Vanessa which we wasn't getting anywhere inside the packhouse with the others inside here but now different packs were starting to leave some scared of us some tired because of the day but some just frustrated because to them they thought that we thought we were better than they. The first packs that started to leave outside of our pack members and our allies were Eragon, Marco, and Chance packs which made me start to relax not that I was scared but with them being here everything was unknown because Chance still had Alcaeus inside his mind. And who knows what he was telling him to do or what information he was gaining to use himself or for Alcaeus to use once and if he got out  of Chance mind. As they were headed for the doors Hazel stands up making Chance stop in his tracks turning his head to the side looking at her as if he was listening for something. I listened as well to see if she was speaking to him through her fairy magic but she wasn't, his wolf eyes begins to glow bright starring at my luna but there was something else there in his eyes that I saw right before Mia rubbed her hand down his arm in a soothing way making his eyes turn back there normal color before he takes her hand bringing it to his lips kissing it smiling at her. It was one last look at Hazel, Ivy, Milani, Laylani, Camilla, Mana, and Amariah before he walks out with a blank expression and mind as if he closed his mind off to us on purpose. I look up at Hazel who was starring after him because she saw and felt it too he shouldn't be able to do that he wasn't a lycan.

Of course you can think of other thoughts to keep someone out but not make your mind go blank. That is a witch or fairy power they can do that only. I know I wasn't wrong to think that because my luna and our girls thought the same thing just like I did but they also think that Alcaeus doesn't have control over Chance body which didn't make me worry any less it actually makes me think more about what just happened. But before I could question Hazel about it she is approached by five she-wolves from visiting packs and I was called over to my brothers to speak with some of the elders whom I was starting to really hate. As I made my way over to them I made sure to keep my eyes on my luna because Drake and Logan were still here and I didn't trust them or their mates and let me not forget their fathers especially after luna showed me how my mom meeting went that day of our gathering it was like they both were picking. I could see in both their minds that they thought that if they discredited my mom that the werewolf community would follow them. Which that was something that would never happen as long as my mom children is alive because we alone are set to lead that includes our sisters in the event something happens to us men.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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