Chapter 25

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**Camillo Moretti**

A week has passed since our families had dinner that night after Baker tried to kidnap Hazel and Mrs. Black tried to talk my luna into leaving me to be with that dirty son of bitch Marco like I would ever let that happened she belongs to us. We ended up coming up with a plan to protect all the girls not just Hazel and Amariah because if I know Marco like I know I do he will be sending men after all of our mates and family members if he was given the chance to kill or take them. The decision was made to never leave the girls alone and for us only to keep bodyguards close by that we knew we could trust one hundred precent no one wanted to chance their mates or family safety. We even went ahead and put security on our fathers because of Baker words. He told us that Marco and some of the vampyres were trying to take out Lycan alphas and with my parents being apart of the main two royal werewolves families I know they will be there main priority when it came to who to take out first. None of our parents were happy about extra security following them around but their safety just like our mates is what is most important to all of us which was not negotiable. Over the next few days as promised Hazel grandfather Mr. Tueur de Demon or should I say Mr. Van Helsing came down to Texas showing right at my parents doorstep which no one was sure how he found out our exact location. But he was every bit what the legends and stories had said of him powerful, strength, and confidence radiated off of him we all felt and seen it within his stance. After he introduced himself to everyone and loved on his granddaughters whom he become soft for he demanded Hazel to explain everything that Marco had done to her over the course of their relationship. He also wanted to know everything we know about the Maceo family, as well having us explaining everything that was happening now right up under his nose with his granddaughter and daughter. He was even more livid then I was when he found out about Annetta trying to sell Hazel off to the Maceo family to pay off Ambrose so call debt. I could tell that Mr. Tueur der Demon wasn't believing Annetta reason for trying to give luna to that family because he was loaded and his daughter know it. He just wasn't going to help Ambrose out of any financial problems.

Annetta then proceeded to trying to play it off as her way of trying to protect Hazel from the Carter's. Which I still don't understand Hazel is Killion, Karson, Kamden and Karter baby sister do Annetta really think that Mr. Carter would let them mate with their sister? That's why I think there is more to what she is telling Hazel because why would Marco want to mate with her only to have her bare him children when he already have three children with Yvette if what I found out is true the three daughters have already showed signs of being werewolves. I could tell that Annetta's logic wasn't making since to him either to why she was supposedly doing all this to her daughter. Mr. Tueur de Demon stopped by Annetta's house before coming here but his daughter wasn't there or at work and she wasn't answering her phone either for him so he was having one of his friends to track her phone and if he couldn't find her he would move on to looking for Ambrose. He stated that his daughter is a good tracker just like him and even better at remaining hidden because he taught her well so it may be almost impossible to find her if she doesn't want to be found but he will do every and anything he can to locate them both. He tells luna that his main goal in life is to protect her and her siblings that they are his world now. That same day we found out that him and Mr. King Kade Carter which is Mr. Kenneth Wayne Carter father were actually good friends. Of course he didn't know that Adolf Elbert Black was Gustof Adolf Tueur de Demon were the same person because he never met Hazel grandfather in person. Everyone have agreed that we will trust him he haven't gave us a reason not too even my wolf trust him but he does smell funny to us. His scent have no smell like its cloaked every species have a smell rather wolves, vampires, witches, or fairies we all have certain smells even the ones in the other diminion had a smell to them to let my wolf and myself know who they were. It looks like I am the only one here to even notice this about him.

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