Chapter 65

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*** Unclear ***

The next few days go by quick maybe because we were in our own little bubble Emilio, Marcello, Shadow, myself and our mates. The only other outsider allowed over was Vanessa because of Helldog working for me. Oh let me not forget Shannon because she would go crazy without Hazel, Sasha, and Mashelle. Other than that the house was on complete lockdown we needed time with our families without all the drama not that we were still a family well not that we were back together not in Hazel eyes. Landon and Lance even went to stay in Hazel loft to give us some privacy to work through things as they did the same with their mates who were mad with them as well. Honey and Saige didn't know the intent of the men cheating because they used magic to hide it but Hazel and Shannon thought they should know everything that was happening so luna showed them everything. So after we told the girls about the hunt that was the end of it that next night I didn't have to go to Hazel because the moment her mark started to burn I felt her crawling in the bed with me. Neither one of us said anything I just pulled my shirt off and hers than we laid chest to chest in each other arms. At the moment Emilio was doing better than Marcello, Shadow, and myself which was weird Mashelle had completely forgiven him after the time walk she had with Titiana the fairy queen that day we went hunting. The next night and night following all we heard was the two making up all night but being on lockdown we got to do a lot with the girls and the babies doing the day and at night before bed we worked to stay on top of things with work and pack duties. While we were all having breakfast this morning luna had a vision that the girls where able to see but none of them would tell us what it was about so I tried to link with the babies to see but I still couldn't see it which had me worried. Hazel assured me that it was truly something we could not know because it would only ensure that it happened. So I left it alone for now as we all get dress to head to my mothers house for a pre-thanksgiving dinner which isn't until tonight but our brothers are there along with the latest two new arrivals. I was the first to finish getting dress so I take our things along with the girls things downstairs to wait on Hazel. When I get down Ivy is having pains but refused to go to the hospital she said she will not have the baby today because it isn't her mother's birthday. So we all leave a few minutes after that making it to my mom's house within forty minutes because Hazel made us stop at McDonald's for ice cream and French fries.

Everything still looked the same here an impressive huge home built deep within the forest with large trees, plants, and flowers surrounding every part of the land that have been cemented for driving or parking with large water fountains that sits in the center of the wrap around driveway. Let's not forget about a mile up from our childhood home sits our pack house that is large enough to be a mini five story hotel. Which we see the parking there is full as well with different visitors cars for the thanksgiving feast. We are met outside by our brothers who all look happy to see us that included little Cameron. We thought that he would take the news of his mother death harder when we did break the new to him but what we didn't know or expect he had a talk with his mother the day before her death and she talked to him about what the witch Vita had told her and she didn't want him to be sad because he had all his older brothers and my mom who would be his new mommy now and she loved him just the same as she did. Hudson of course is the first one to come down and hug us with the largest grin on his face I can tell he is happy about his son. We all congratulate him again going inside into the living room to see Millie and Mana both sitting there with their babies which the girls surrounded them first I had been calling Hudson son baby Hudson thinking they would name him after him but when Hazel held him asking what name did they chose it was Hudson that smiled and answered her.

Hudson: We named him Hunter Haze Addison.

Hazel smile down at their baby as his eyes open glowing green and she tell him that she love his name because it is the name of a warrior calling him Hunter Haze. When she holds him in the air handing him back to Millie we all see that he have the mark before it disappeared. Millie leans over kissing luna cheek saying thank you. We all comment on how big baby Hunter is just to be not even what is it a full week old. Hudson mother tells us that he was the same way but even bigger. But just like the Amazon packs the Australian packs wolves are big too that is male or female. Mrs. Emma Hudson mom is six feet tall which is big for a woman. My sister Mana and Nikolai named their son after her father Diego their son is named Gabriel Malachi Sokolov. Out of all my brothers outside of Nikolai of course I was the first to hold him. The girls had went into the kitchen to help with dinner and we watched the children until my mom called us guys to come and start carrying food to the pack house where the mess hall was already set up with circular tables instead of the usually rectangular ones. When I seen Terra and Tessa Bulgari walking by I almost dropped the pan of food I was holding but Hudson caught it. I must've blacked out for a second because when I open my eyes I saw nothing but red as I stared at her and her identical twin sister my blood boiled hot as my body shook. My whole body feels hotter as my hands heats and tingled as some kind of invisible current surge within me it is as if my body is giving off some kind of heat wave of electricity and my anger was the main source fueling it. I vaguely heard someone calling my name but I ignored it.

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