Chapter 74

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*** The Demonic Beast ***

We were right I scented it in that vision I had as it tried to attack luna in the forest. I even smelled it in Akasha dungeon when she used witches to pull us forward that darkness pure evil we felt she knew about it. When I was no longer seeing red that was clouding my vision I snapped out of it because I needed to protect my luna and our children. We howled loudly something that was between a growl, howl and hiss which it sounded scary even in my ears. I could feel the fear of others here of me of us and the things we could do. Before I jump off the stage running towards the forest feeling some of the others behind me not caring what we are up against. I sharpen my claws by scratching them on the metal stage howling towards the moon. All the others our warriors, fighters, and friends are in wolf form just like me watching my wolf along with Emilio wolf on side of me who was sniffing the air and howling towards the dark forest. They just know we are on the defense in the protection of our luna, our mates, and family which now so are they. All our men are the definition of true loyalty. Emilio, Marcello, Hudson, Shadow and my other brothers all communicate with each other and myself as we run towards the woods. The moment I get to the edge before entering the forest we began to smell a smokey rotten sweet smell that is when wolves began to come out the shadows hundreds of them that looked and smelled all wrong their fur is wet and coated in something sticky their eyes are black no white anywhere. Their ears looked pointed like a cat but chewed on and their teeth is rigid as they drooled some kind of yellow slimy liquid from their mouth. I mind linked with some of the Fenrir telling them to get our families inside the hotel and house safely. I knew better than to tell Emmett and Edmond to leave my side that wasn't going to ever happen my beta and his gamma were loyal to me only just as Emilio and Marcello beta and gamma were hardheaded when it came to protecting them. I could feel my luna trying to defy my orders and stay to fight I turn growling at her feeling my head with the images of that beast attacking her telling her don't be selfish get herself, mom, and our girls inside.

Because of that little distraction one of those things came at me while my back was turned but I felt it having me turn just in time for it to miss its target of digging his fangs into my neck. But its fangs does slide across my wolf fur on my back before I knock him down to the ground using my claws instead of my fangs not wanting my snout anywhere near the coated stuff on his fur. There was blood, howling, dismembered bodies, and growling coming from every direction when I heard the same noise from the vision where luna was attack that is when I see the wolf beast running towards some of the she-wolves trying to get inside the hotel. I snap at the wolf neck ripping it apart before clawing my way through four rogues that was trying to surround me. I guess they had orders which was to keep me busy but I had orders to protect my luna. I didn't want anymore bloodshed of our kind but this is different so I rip them all apart before running at the thing after our people. Emilio and Helldog were headed right for it as well I was at the front while Helldog and Emilio came from left and right we were biting and clawing through these things that got in our way as we ran towards the beast with the intent to shred it to pieces. It was no way I was allowing this thing to live after the multiple times that vision plagued my dreams of it killing my luna. Emilio got bite by one of the rogues as he ripped through another one I know because I felt the bite pierced through my skin but that didn't stop us.

After what felt like forever of killing rogues to get through them to get to the beast we all land on it at the same time having us all digging our fangs into different parts of the beast body as it stood on two legs like it was a man. It began to growl and claw at us when it slashed across the bottom of my wolf belly we released our hold on it Emilio and I falling to the ground. Emilio and I both landed on our feet looking at one another because he felt my wound as if it was his because it was what happened to me happens to him. He looks down at his own wound that formed across his side which I had the same wound same spot on my body that was already healing. Helldog was still holding on digging his Fenrir fangs deeper making the demonic beast growl out in pain which Helldog release the beast taking a chunk out it's side just as we had but his hole he caused was bigger. That is when something happens that had all of us confused the thing that was once a beast in front of us turned into a man. Not just any men but Marius, Akasha mate I wasn't the only one that saw it we all did, everyone did all the fighters of all the packs around the world that had been fighting with us. Even the wolves that came with him form changed as his did from wolves to vampyres like he was controlling them somehow. I stand up completely healed but furious making my claws come out along with my fangs as I called forth that flame my body makes as I jump forward I change into my wolf hitting Marius hard but he doesn't go down but instead gets knocked backwards losing his footing just a little but he is  bleeding and on fire. The flames on his body doesn't seem to bother him but the impact of my wolf colliding with his body did it caused a even bigger hole in his chest. I seen the shock and pain in his expression before he turns running really fast at lighting speed even though he is hurt leaking blood from all three wounds that Emilio, Helldog, and myself gave him. I even noticed that Emilio and my wounds that we caused him doubled like everything we did individually to him was like two times more like the linking spell worked in our favor. Once Marius ran away so does the ones that aren't dead that he brought with him ran away behind him. I was about to run after him to finish this while he was wounded but I heard luna voice.

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