Chapter 56

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**Camillo Moretti**

Mentally we were all tired and hanging on by a thread because we were losing a never ending war. Not only did we have to do a burial for Bella, Matteo mother that passed away after being in the hospital for two weeks but we had to attend David Fairmont passover ritual as well I personally hated the guy but he was my brother father in law so I had to show support. And I couldn't forget Delbert Moreau passover ritual who is Aria Moreau father which she and Sandra use to be best friends until Aria found out that Sandra is a witch that was using her mind control powers over her most of their friendship. Now Aria just wanted to kill Sandra for everything she did including killing her father she even came over to apologize to us for defending Sandra whenever she thought I was mistreating her because Sandra had us all thinking I was the father of Heaven. I was so sick and tired of attending Passover rituals and funerals. But yet again we also have to fly back to Texas tomorrow to bury Karson mates Guadalupe Alvarez father, which the only good news in all this which really wasn't good news at all was that the outcome of his death wasn't murder by any of our enemies. He was sixty five years old with a heart problem so he died from a heart attack Karson had the doctors to check and re-check their findings. Nikolai parents were okay but his father left his mother after he found out the truth about her affair with our dad. It is a good thing they are lycans so the split wasn't as hard or bad as it would have been with a wolf leaving his human mate or even a regular wolf.

Even though four of these men have different fathers than what they thought they all are still leading their own packs especially since we can't afford a war right now within our on packs. Which wolf pack laws state that once a lycan alpha mates all children his mate have belongs to him and comes first even before his outside children. This rule/law made it possible for every single ranked alpha to keep his status and lead their packs. Sandra found out that Nikolai killed her father after luna caught him using magic to help his daughter come for other packs. That made Sandra try to go after his parents again swearing to wipe his whole family out next time. Even though his parents aren't together they still were there for each other when she sent over twenty vampyres to their home. We heard that the dark magic she used had a affect on the baby that she was carrying it sent her into early labor. Marco wasn't happy about it either no matter what a asshole the guy is I can tell that he really do loves all of his children that he father and the one Sandra was carrying wasn't any different. Everyone had flown back to their own home territories to protect their packs because it was just to much going on for us to stay away from our packs we all had duties to our people as an alpha. Killion and Kamden were back in Texas with their mates and parents Mr. & Mrs. Carter because something had happened in Dallas the same day Matteo and Nikolai parents were attacked two of their pack houses were attacked there. Since Killion was mated to my baby sister Camilla mom had me to call him every few hours to check on them on top of all the other hundreds of things I had to do. Angel and Shannon were back in Miami his packs took over some wolf territory there after a war had break out while he was in Rome helping us with his brother Javier but luckily his pack is large in size so they were able to handle themselves without him and his brother. Hudson and Millie had went back to Australia to check on his pack and talk to his family about moving down here but keeping a beta over some of the remaining members that didn't want to leave their country. Which it wasn't many that stayed only about twenty wolves who were all elderly and didn't really want to make the move loving their old country. Rain and Raizo even had to go to Japan to visit with family because their baby sister is sick and they needed to be there for her she was the youngest of six children which there was no way luna wasn't allowing them time off to be there for family. Kyle and Tyler left for California to visit with his family because of everything that is happening we all needed to be near family right now because we didn't know when we would wake for the day if that would be our last.

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