Chapter 17

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***Camillo Moretti***

I was getting really tired of being pulled into different magical realms speaking to different magical beings or just seeing them without getting any kind of fucking answers. Besides why is all this happening now? Rogue's getting cocky and attacking our packs some of the strongest packs around the world. Vampyres even are not only just attacking humans but us to now something that hasn't been done in centuries. All of this can't be a coincidence can it? Angel look at me confused I guess he could sense that I blanked out for a time but he doesn't say anything in front of the girls. They park to let us out of the car. I show Hazel that we are still being very well heavily guarded so she could stop looking over her shoulder but also I was trying to talk with my luna to keep Angel from asking me questions. My mind linked with Emilio again which pissed me off because he is fucking April again. Why would he open his mind to me when he is having sex with one woman thinking about my luna. Shannon pulls us into Aerie, Aeropostale, and American Eagle the moment we walk in pulling out a credit card to pay for over three hundred dollars worth of clothing in each store. Hazel doesn't look for anything she just let her friend pull her around the store asking her how does things look. I hate shopping with women but this is a nice distraction from Emilio constant letting me into his mind and Angel trying to question me about what happened in the car. As we walk around the mall luna make sure to stay glued to my side when Shannon isn't pulling her away to look at something that Hazel couldn't care less about from the faces she is making.

We do get a few looks from a few women that aren't shy about staring at Angel and myself some even winked until Shannon threaten to cut one eyes out her pretty face. Which made Angel and me laugh. We make it to the apple store where one of the guys noticed who Angel and I am and started showing Hazel and Shannon the whole store but Hazel keeps telling him all she needs is a phone she can talk and text on that she isn't a fan of apple that all her electronics are Samsung. I think that comment makes him mad seeing that she is in a apple store. Angel and myself both laugh under our breath but they heard and turn to look at us but we both just shrug it off. We laughed because it seems like everything we own or have part ownership in she doesn't like. I wonder if she knows her father Mr. Kenneth Carter owns half or Samsung and Apple. I can tell that Hazel was irritated. It seems the guy wasn't trying to hear that she didn't want anything extra or expensive so I stepped in telling him what type of phone to give her. She keeps the same carrier but requested a new number. I noticed that we get a few looks from humans, vampires, and wolves inside the store because the whole time Hazel never leave my side she leans into me or I stand directly behind her, every once in a while she would lean back to feel for me which I would step forward to let her know I am still right here some even heard me call her luna asking if she was okay. I also noticed that Angel will stare and smile at us while whispering in Shannon ear.

Within the next thirty minutes she walks out with a new phone texting only the important people her number telling them not to give it out to anyone. Shannon spots a banana Republic and states she must go in the moment we left the Apple Store. Angel and myself stand on the outside waiting for them sending in a few bodyguards instead. Because we both had to take a call which was business on both of our end. The girls were in the store for about fifteen minutes when we both finally ended our calls. I look at him to start a conversation before he could ask me about me blacking out. It seems Shannon loves to shop.

Angel: Yep good thing I have millions in the bank.

I laugh at his sarcasm towards my comments. You really like this girl don't you?

Angel: I told you I love her man.

Before we could get more into the conversation of him loving Shannon the girls walk out the store. Hazel coming right too me I can't lie my wolf and I love the pull we have on her. I wrapped my arms around her waist kissing her head and we all start walking around again. The only store I see Hazel eyes light up for was a Barnes and Nobles so I pulled her inside the store telling her to look around. As she looks around getting lost in books I can tell how fascinated she is and I don't want to rush her so I walk over to the front counter handing the store manager one of my credit cards telling him whatever my luna wants put it on the card he looks shocked seeing it's me but also because I just did it again called Hazel my luna. Once she is done give it to her. I walk over telling her I will leave her with bodyguards once she is done they will meet us. She grabs my hand and I bring our hands towards my mouth kissing her wrist telling her that Shannon will stay with her and they will be fine. She nod her head so I kissed her lips turning to leave. We visited Bravo menswear, Coach, Footlocker, Helzberg Diamonds, James Avery and Kay Jewelry before the girls met up with us in the Michael Kors store which Shannon found a watch she liked and had to have so Angel got the watch, belt and purse for her. Hazel wanted to go to Pink by Victoria Secret to look for cotton panties than they both went into Sephora while Angel and I stayed by the door I will do the shopping of panties with her because I want to know what I would possibly get to see her in but I draw the line on makeup.

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