Chapter 39

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The girls had jumped back from Baker quickly because they were able to sense that I had become enraged as well as all that fury I had inside at the very moment the images came into view. How could they take innocent children and feed on them? Not only were they feeding on them but they were turning them as well. None of them looked any older than sixteen years old not knowing what was happening or what they had consented too. Not until they would see one of the other kids getting bite to be turned would they start to scream. Which Akasha or one of the other many vampyres would use their mind control abilities on them to quiet them and make them be still against their will. Hazel comes to rub her hand up and down my arm to calm me down while also trying to keep calm herself. I grab her hand into mine before I turn towards the others and tell them that I know where they are keeping the ones they turned that includes the children. I continued to explained to them that it's Vlad old castle in the dark forest.

Marcello: How do you know that just from his memories?

Marcello points at Baker body that's dead in the chair rage and disgust all in my brother emotions.
We are all in disbelief at one point he was one of us. I tell him because I've been there before. I turn away from them still holding my luna hand walking up the stairs feeling everyone else follow us up confused about my comment that I've been to Vlad's Castle. When I pass Emmett on my way to the living room I asked him to call Ron to have the basement cleaned. Raizo and Rain were both standing at the top waiting on luna to emerge from the basement. I heard them both tell her something about her grandfather but I couldn't comment or ask questions them or her about it because Angel interrupted me.

Angel: What do you mean you have been there?

Emilio: No one in our time have been there unless you are vampyre royal, a vampyre guard, or food. They have dark witches that keep some kind of protection spell on the whole property not even the high council members have seen it.

At the mention of the high council I can feel Hazel interest peak she is really hungry for information. But that's one group she never wants to meet and I intend to do everything in my power to keep her away from them. As we step in the living room everyone turns towards us because of Angel question.

Gabriela: You have been where and protection spell on what?

Marcello: Vlad castle in the dark forest Cam says he has been.

Sasha: What? Wait who is Vlad?

Marcello: Humans called him Dracula but his name is Vlad Draculea or Vlad Tepes.

Sasha: Wait Dracula is real like a person he is real?

Sasha sounds excited about the news as she did when she learned that Robert Patterson is a real vampire which makes Emilio, Marcello, and myself roll our eyes at her. Yes he is Sasha remember vampyres are real love. I turn towards Angel telling him just what I said I have been to Vlad castle in the dark forest in Transylvania I mean Bucharest. I am one hundred percent sure that it's called Bucharest, Romania now.

Emilio: We don't care what is it called Cam! You aren't a vampyre, a bodyguard or vampyre food man! How did you get there? When did you get there to see it?

Celeste: It was a vision or a memory of Vlad himself?

I shake my head yes at her knowing she would know the truth of what happened. I remember the window they are unique to his castle no other castle like it in the world has those windows.

Sasha: What exactly did you see?

For some reason something tells me to lie so I tell her Vlad in his castle standing next to that window from Baker vision. Hazel raised an eyebrow at me calling me a liar inside her head as she smirks at me. I growl at her and she smiles walking towards the kitchen. I look over at her bodyguards to see Raizo get up to follow her into the kitchen. I really like them being her security detail they make sure to do the job rather they're inside or outside the house or even on or off duty to them her safety really is top priority because my luna is more then just a job to them I feel it in their emotions for her she is more like a sister.

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