Chapter 36

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**Camillo Moretti**

That night at home that my luna had shifted for the first time was a nightmare. Not that her being able to shift was bad it was a really amazing thing because we were able to complete the mating run finding out our wolves are compatible just as our human halves are. But there were just so many questions and not enough answers. Everyone was over speaking else other and no one was actually listening. My parents and Mr. Carter were mad because we all agreed that our parents needed more protection for when they travel without us. We told them as long as they were at home or pack and council meetings they were fine they didn't understand that they were still our future just as well as we were theirs. I felt Hazel space out a few times doing the meeting with our family. When I would look at her and raise an eyebrow she would shake her head as if saying not right now in front of everyone. We both have still been getting pulled into those crazy vision quest to see the past but I've also had a glimpse into the future. Well thats at least what I think it is because as far as I know Hazel and I don't have three children together, for heaven sake I can't even get her to agree to give me one right now let alone three. I still was wondering who it could be that was following us from the courthouse then again on luna and my run back home. But for the time being I pushed it to the back of my mind we had bigger things to worry about. Shannon and Sasha ended up calling their parents to speak with them about what they learned about them being witches both girls were unhappy that their parents would keep something like that from them. We were all surprised that luna was able to sniff it out with her being so newly shifted. Something like that usually takes a wolf months sometimes years to learn the difference in smells.

Emilio was really quiet the whole time so I asked him was he here with us and was he okay. He looks at me and he just said yes going back to listening to everyone else. I was confused by his reaction he was usually more sarcastic but now he is more refine unlike himself. When luna started talking to him it was if he wasn't there I had to tell him she was speaking to him for him to reply to her. Which when Hazel talked he always listened to what she had to say and he was always ready to give her answers and hold her attention. I hate to admit it but even the two of them had became closer. I could tell that she was starting to worry about him she would look at him strangely with concern, worry, and anxiety. It was clear on her face and all within her emotions towards him. She even stood from my lap at one point going over to sit with him which I no longer got mad about I knew she was mine but she cared for him as well. After hours of talking, drinking, and planning which was giving me a headache everyone finally headed home. Not my parents they ended up staying a few nights with us because mom was concerned for luna since that was her first time shifting she wanted to make sure she had all the support she needed. Even Emilio went home that night which again strange he always made it his business to stay when my parents would or when Hazel asked him too but not that night.

After luna's first shift she had became more aware of other's emotions as well as she have been really moody making me wonder what was going on with her. I ended up having to fly to California a week after that day Hazel had shifted to check on things with both of my brothers. My father had decided to come along with us so Hazel was left alone with Raizo, Rain, Kyle, and Tyler because Emmett and Edmond flow out with us. They both absolutely refused to let me travel alone unprotected saying it was against protocol to leave a alpha unprotected. Mr. Carter had left the next day going back to Texas to check on his wife and other two sons that stayed behind especially since some small noise was being made up in Dallas which was part of the Carters territory. He had got word that some rogues attacked a reservation there. Angel and Shannon went to visit with his family then hers the next day as well because his mother wasn't feeling well. Since they left that following day they haven't returned back to Miami I guess they extended their stay. Sasha stayed back in Miami with mom and Hazel because she haven't learned how to control her shift yet her emotions are all over the place making her shift whenever she is mad, sad, or emotional we think it have something to do with their witch half. So Marcello told her it wouldn't be a good idea she visit with her parents knowing how mad she is with them right now especially if they say the wrong thing she could shift without meaning too. Shannon shifted as well two days after Hazel because Angel told her she was acting like a bitch so she wolfed out on him. Which completely freaked him out because she actually bite him really good but than she felt bad about it later when she calmed down she cried and apologized to him over and over again which of course he forgave her and apologize to her. Hazel told Mashelle everything that's been going on with her so Mashelle will be flying down for the Mercy children's ward charity ball. I was about to get that meeting with the witches but because I was needed here I missed it and haven't been able to reach either of the girls since. The Fairmont California had a lot of work that needed to be done so instead of a two day stay like we were planning we have been here going on two weeks. This is the longest I have ever been away from Hazel even through we talk and facetime everyday it isn't enough and it surely isn't the same. Emilio had all of us to go out the first saturday here which it just so happened that Sandra was in the same club with new friends. It was weird because she did everything with Aria but she was nowhere to be seen and Aria lived for a good time out. With us all being spotted in the same club it somehow got onto social media really fast that we were spotted in the same club supposedly together having Hazel calling me telling me when I return home she was going to rip my throat out with her freshly sharpen claws. When I asked how did she sharpen her claws trying to being funny and lighten the mood she told me on my new Lamborghini hanging up the phone screaming into it. I tried calling her back but she wouldn't answer so when I called mom to see if it was any truth to Hazel words she tells me that Hazel did claw my car which made me want to kill my luna.

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