Chapter 5

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                                     *** Hazel***

I ended up getting a cab immediately so I didn't have to stand in front of the hotel looking embarrassed. I really wanted to go back inside that hotel and kick Mr. Moretti in the balls but assault charges wouldn't look good on my resume. I tell the cab driver, John F Kennedy international please while I lean my head back on the seat which smells surprisingly good for a New York cab. As I leaned back getting comfortable the driver tells me that I smell good really good I think that's odd considering that I was splashed with water off the street. I mumble a um thank you I guess. He begins to sniff the air saying I smell like honey, sunshine, and wildflowers I don't reply because I get uncomfortable especially since he keeps looking back at me and I am kind of locked in the back of his car. Thank god that Mr. Carter made me keep a can of pepper spray on me at all times along with a taser. Now it would have been fun to use on Mr. Moretti to watch him piss himself as he accused me of after he splashed me I heard that some people piss themselves when tased. How bad the traffic is in this city I arrive at the airport just in time to check in and board my flight. Thanks to my oldest brother Amari I have a nice seat upfront it isn't first class but it isn't all the way at the back either, like my first flight here I sit next to this guy in his forty's that kept sniffing me telling me I smell good enough to eat like it's just normal and not creepy to tell someone something like that. So that whole flight I stayed awake watching him because every few minutes I would see him lean over towards me from the corner of my eyes to smell me and lick his lips like dude your old enough to be my father. Before taking off I make sure to text my brother to let him know that my flight is on time. Now what can I do for 3 1/2 hours? I did bring my laptop I can apply for jobs at firms in Texas. So I powered the Samsung laptop up than pulled out the envelopes I got from my job the first is my actual paycheck which is around $1536 it looks about right so I put it back opening the other envelope it has two checks with my name on them. The first is a bonus check for the year which is $5000 my eyes are huge, $5000 dollar bonus why did I quit this job again? I pulled the other one out it reads tuition reimbursement $15,000. I hurry to put it back in the envelope closing it then peeking inside just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. No it's real that amount is written on the check. Now with all the money I have saved in the bank and these checks as well I can get my own apartment instead of staying with my mom living in my childhood room. In Texas I can pay rent for a year if I wanted too, without needing a roommate but living with Mashelle or Shannon wouldn't be that bad. I know the both of them just graduated as well and were planning on moving back to Houston for a year before they both moved to Florida. I began to search apartments prices in Houston pulling out my notepad to write down a few I liked and could afford.

When I look up I notice that a woman is sitting next to me that I hadn't noticed at first. She looks to be maybe five or ten years older than me but her hair and her eyebrows are white not dyed not blonde but pure white which looks to be her natural color. Well a closer look at her eyes have me seeing that they are a really light grey color. She isn't staring at me like I am doing to her I feel like I'm being rude. She look up and gives me a smile that's breathtakingly beautiful saying hello Hazel Moon. My eyes feel like they are going to pop out my head thinking how in the world does this weird beautiful lady knows my name. She smiles seeing my confusion pointing at my laptop that says Hazel's Moon laptop. I let out a deep breathe before I say hello to this strange lady than go back to my search this time in different parts of France for a job possibility I might take there or Florida wanting to be closer to my friends but I don't think Shannon will be available for a lot of girl time. She just started dating millionaire entrepreneur Angel Castillo. Which I was surprised because he is Hispanic and I've never seen her date anyone that wasn't African American. I will be happy for her even through I might be losing my best friend. She have been through so much within the last two years but she stayed strong always keeping a smile on her face. I've really missed her deep New Orleans Creole accent. Mashelle Carter our other friend assured me that she is boyfriend and commitment free along with me and doesn't plan on being tied down anytime soon. I think that has more to do with her middle school boyfriend. They stay together through high school than they went off to college him for football her for law. They were back then and are now still complete opposites the match never made any sense but I guess the opposite attract saying is somewhat true. Doing their first break from college coming home Derrick Holmes return with a gift which Mashelle wasn't happy to receive. The girl he cheated with found out she was pregnant by him six weeks later so Mashelle gave him his promise/engagement ring back along with a black eye. Which he returned to school lying about how he received it saying he got into a fight with a group of men in a nightclub. I however happily uploaded the video of her hitting him in the eye to Instagram and Facebook making sure to tag him in it. The upload was done anonymously to ensure it couldn't be tied to Mashelle or me. Well of course she could be seen hitting him but according to witnesses it was done so in self defense. But with Killion, Kamden, Karter, and Karson being her big older brothers he knew better than to try and do anything to Shelle because it would probably cost him his life.

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