Chapter 70

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*** Reunion ***

Ivy had her twins on December 10th something that surprise us all one because it was on a blue moon something that all Gemini twin witches are born on but also we were shocked because through her whole pregnancy we were told one girl only not two and not identical which clearly they were. But our pack doctor said it is the Gemini magic within them that cloaked one. But we also found out that Ivy real mother and father is Nevaeh Saint Claire and Adolf Elbert Devereaux our girls aunt and luna grandfather. Both are witches from powerful lines but also Mr. Adolf is a witch hunters. So things were still weird around here besides babies being born we found out from our pack healer that five other she-wolves gave born that night along with luna sister Amariah gave birth to identical twin girls like Karson and Karter wives gave birth on the same day. Angel called us the next morning to let us know even Shannon gave birth when he sent pictures we were confused as hell because instead of their daughter it was two babies Ariana and Adrian Castillo he also sent us a picture of his arm with a bite mark saying Shannon bite him when the doctor told her she needed to push again. That was something that he and us came to expect from her especially when she was upset with him. Shannon and Sasha were bitters Angel and Marcello both learned that the hard way.

Outside of Rain and Raizo that were freshly mated I was the only one without kids at the moment I know that they are coming which I can't wait. Even though so many had just gave birth they all were still coming for the Celtic Ritual and Winter Solstice because they were two important events which were being held on the property this year right by the pack-house. The kitchen was huge enough and the yard behind it was as well for the setting my mom had in mind which only family would use the packhouse to stay doing their visit this time the others would have to live in hotels around Italy. As we all sat having breakfast two days after Ivy gave birth I thought about the marks that formed on her babies and then disappeared because luna said they weren't fairy marks. Hazel if the marks that Ruby Snow and Scarlett Rose have aren't fairy marks what are they?

Adolf: They are Devereaux protection witch hunter marks. For centuries only the men got them only but since the spell was broken by Titiana the fairy queen all members of the Devereaux line will have them.

Shadow: Wait so our girls are witch hunters?

Adolf: Not in the sense that they will hunt down and kill all witches no. They are witches that hunt meaning anything bad anything dark rather that is witches, vampyres, wolves, demons, fairies, dragons, or mermaids.

Wait so demons are real? I know the Fenrir were demon wolves but I always thought of them as a different special breed like with the were-coyotes.

Adolf: Yes they are. What do you think Lilith is?

Hazel: So if Lilith is a demon is Vlad one too?

We all look at luna than her grandfather because she was asking him but it was Elly her grandmother that answered.

Elly: He is half demon remember Rhea was human and Hades was a god cased away by the creator. It is said wherever the creator sent Hades he slept with pure evil which is how Lilith, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, and Baphomet were born.

How do you know all this stuff?

Elly: I am a fairy alpha king Camillo I have been around for eons even longer than Lucas and Vlad were alive. We fairies don't die like human or your kind do we are just banished to the fairy realm.

A imagine of angels pop into her head along with something that looks like pure evil maybe a demon without it being in human form. I see her give luna a pointed look which let me know they are having a conversation with each other in their minds. Elly started back talking to everyone answering questions as best as she could while luna goes into one of her trance her body is here but she isn't. I rub her belly to feel the babies when a vision of a silver knife pops into my head. It isn't just any sliver knife it is a sharp small dagger the handle is silver and gold with a unique engravement made of magic along with phoenix and dragon ashes. It is behind two huge golden doors inside a vault guarded by four beings that look like fairies or even angels. Maybe that is what fairies really are angels I guess. When I came out the vision Hazel and Elly are both staring at me.

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