Chapter 37

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***Unexpected Visitors***

(Gemini Witches)

We were all in a panic at hearing our luna call out to me. What we seen once we get to the foyer standing outside the door had us all confused. It is two african american girls with beautiful crystal clear grey eyes, natural snow white long hair, white eyebrows, and white eye lashes in white short sleeves lace and cotton dresses standing at the door in front of Hazel they're covered in smoke and debris. They both take me in with a smile and one speaks asking if they can come in.

( May we come in alpha )


They both look at me sadly as Hazel turn to look at me with disappointment and anger clear on her face her wolf growls at me before she turns back to the two girls.

Hazel: Forgive my Mon roi alpha he know not what he say ladies please come in.

They both walk inside chanting something that pissed all of us guys off but Hazel doesn't seem to be worried at all she have them follow her into one of the guestrooms. When I call her name she told me let them clean and she will return with them. Mashelle and Shannon follows her and the girls going to one of the guest rooms down the hallway not to far from the living room . I tell Raizo and Rain to stand outside that door if they hear anything suspicious don't hesitate to take them out. Sasha rolls her eyes at me walking pass. The rest of us head into the living room I need a drink I don't care how early it is this day just keeps on getting better. Everyone start to voice their opinion about Hazel, Mashelle, and Shannon being alone with the witch twins. I tell them to all just shut up as I try to feel what Hazel feels to know if she needs me. They continue to talk to each other as I listen for a sign my luna needs me. About fifteen minutes later all seven of them walk into the living room. The twins doesn't look as creepy or weird as they first did now that they are cleaned up and are out of those white dresses. Hazel roll her eyes at me again hearing what I was thinking. But their white hair with grey eyes on their chocolate skin looks better in normal clothes.

Hazel: Mon roi alpha this is Celeste and Freya Saint Claire the gemini twins.

Angel: Wait is that a thing? Like a real thing I thought it was something made up on Vampire Diairies.

I roll my eyes at him knowing that he watches Vampire Diaries he probably does with Marcello, Sasha, and Shannon. Since I never met the two witches Celeste and Freya that was supposed to be helping me only speaking with a third party I didn't know what they looked like. But I could tell that these twins are powerful witches the moment I scented them at the door.

Celeste: Yes Angel it is a thing gemini twins aren't born often and we are usually from the same sex so Vampire Diaries got that part wrong. Oh and it is always the twins of magical counter parts rather witches, fairies, vampires or wolves born on the third full moon of four full moons of a season. Which is called a Blue Moon. Are is wolves cases a blood moon.

He and every one of us as well all stared at the girls in shock and wonder as she speaks her voices rings as she talks. My wolf and I for some reason feel a special connection to them.

Angel: How did you know my name?

They both roll their eyes at him thinking he isn't as smart as he looks which makes me smile than I freeze. Did I just hear their thoughts? They both nod their heads yes looking at me. How is that possible? They all turned to look at me as if I am losing my mind now. Celeste thinks because I am the true alpha king. But then Freya says I am the Woden or Odin wolf meaning God of the wolves. Which I shake my head at that thought immediately making her roll her eyes at me thinking I need to accept my destiny because it's happening rather I want to accept it or not.

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