Chapter 54

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Hazel stands up first running from the room towards the stairs then Marcello, myself, Emilio and mom are right behind her. We are hot on her trail having heard the baby cries that time. When she pushed open the bathroom door Sasha is laying in the tub in water holding there baby boy against her chest. Marcello and mom rush over to her side Marcello moving her hair back out her face smiling at her and their baby. Our mom medical training kicks in and she begans to check on Sasha and the baby. Hazel calls Sasha mid-wife to come over while mom checks them. Sasha was suppose to do a home birth anyway and in water which is something she just did. I was just amazed she did it without making a sound or without medicine. When Sasha turn him around from laying on her chest we all see his mark before it disappears under his skin. It's the same as the one all of us have we didn't even think to pay attention to Emilia Amara and Emilio Wayne when they were born but now we know if we have the marks so will our children. I stepped out the bathroom with Emilio because they will help a naked Sasha out the tub taking her to Marcello old room waiting on her mid-wife. The ambulance were still sent by her mid-wife so they arrived at the same time because the mid-wife is our pack healer and she doesn't live to far from my parents house. I see them all in going upstairs to Marcello room where Sasha and the baby are. Angel and Shannon arrives seeing the ambulance outside and they immediately start to panic worried that something happened to one of us. Shannon even came inside the house in a panic looking around for Hazel and Sasha. So we get straight to the point after reassuring her that everything is fine that Sasha just had her baby upstairs in the bathroom.

Shannon rushes upstairs to check on her sister and nephew as I yell for her to go into Marcello old room not the bathroom. While they are up there Angel tells us about a little problem they ran into in Singapore and it had nothing to do with the airport his company have been tasked with building but Javier and Enrique ran into a vampyre problem there. There was some vampyres that was sent by Akasha to try and kill them not knowing Emilio and I had turned them into hybrids. He just made it seem like to Shannon that it had to do with the construction of the airport. He didn't want to worry her while pregnant and he definitely didn't want to leave her behind. I bring them up to speed with what happened with three of our hotels having issues that demanded our immediate attention in three different countries. Now that I think about some of that shit could have been Akasha. I also tell him how I almost killed Chance for kissing Hazel.

Angel: Well it looks like we all have been pretty busy.

I nod my head at him thinking about how angry I was when she told me and also how vengenful I was when I seen him inside that bar. He proceeded to tell me that he thinks Chance brothers might come after us along with the Amazon packs. Which I tell him we will deal with it when the time comes right now we all will just enjoy the new arrivals in the family. When the girls get out of school they are really happy to hear that another baby was born safely Celeste and Freya says now they have another little boy to spoil and a girl to teach witchcraft too. Killion, Emilio, Marcello and Vanessa babies are all here so the girls spoils them all. They are also happy that today was the last day of school for them so now they will have a three month break. I had finally got word from Ron later that day that Marco and Sandra boarded his jet in a hurry headed back to Texas which made me wonder what was going on. I had Ron to send a tip to the authorities to let them know that Marco would be on that jet coming in from Italy since he was a wanted man. The General promise they were closely watched the whole time they were here so I wonder if he is still working with Akasha for him to leave when she arrived in Italy. I wanted Akasha followed as well not just Marco and Sandra I know it would be hard because she is a vampyre with super speed but I also know it wouldn't be impossible now that all of the Fenrir are hybrids. I asked if they happened to get anything on Akasha while she was here in Italy which Helldog replies saying she met with the prime minister and got back on her jet today leaving Italy in a hurry just like Marco and Sandra did. There's a knock on the door so Maria and Rosa go check it letting in Hudson his luna Millie and Nikolai Sokolov our baby sister Mana new mate.

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