Chapter 46

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**Camillo Moretti**

I recognized that scream anywhere it's a sound that will forever hunt my very soul and hurt my heart. My luna was in danger. I pushed pass the elders that I had been speaking with and everyone else that was in my way running towards the cathedral doors. I don't check to see if anyone was following behind me I didn't have time. I only pushed myself forward knowing I had to get to my love. I knocked a few people down as I go which I didn't care at the moment if they were okay or not I try to feel for Hazel and the girls but I can't feel them. I can't even link my mind to Genevieve or Dahlia I just feel emptiness and darkeness like they were here but it's like their minds were being blocked. When I finally busted through the crowd that was in my way separating me from my goal which was my Luna and girls I opened the doors my whole body shook with red hot rage. Emjay is standing there with his arms wrapped around Hazel holding a knife to her side while his bodyguards does the same to Genevieve, Freya, Dahlia, and Celeste but the girls looked like they have been drugged their bodies are limped. He holds Hazel close to him while she is bleeding out from her side each step that I take towards them he pushes the knife in deeper with a sinister fucking smile on his face while his eyes look dead no life in them at all.

Emjay: You took my brothers so I will take your mate and everything else that you love.

If she dies I promise you I will annihilate your whole family and every one of you will die a slow, painful, torturous death. He pushes the knife in farther into her side making Hazel scream out loud again. I can see that her screams hurt even his ears and the others around us. Emilio and Marcello started to advance forward on his men that have the girls along with Emmett and Edmond coming at them from the side through the crowd that have gathered even Helldog and a few Fenrir and Kyle are coming at a angle. A car speeds up towards us hitting a few people as it does gaining some of their attention. The door swings open to reveal Marco in the back seat smiling while his brothers drive. Two other cars drives through the crowd shooting as Emjay pulls the knife from Hazel side I run towards them but he uses all his strength and throws her forward hard jumping in the car. I heard Marco yelling he was supposed to bring her. Hazel head hits the water fountain as I dive forward to catch her. I see some of the Fenrir go after the cars as Emilio and Marcello kills the bodyguards that was holding Genevieve and Dahlia. Emmett and Edmond detains the other two because they know we will need answers. I try to get Hazel to talk to me as a crowd of people surrounded us which made my wolf get angry but then we noticed that it was Kenneth, Rose, and Hazel brothers all coming to check on her. I stand up with her in my arms telling Emmett to get the car, he turns assigning someone else to the guy he was holding running away towards wherever his car is parked as I moved fast through the crowd with my luna to follow Emilio, Marcello, Edmond and Angel are right behind me with the twins. I can hear a faint voice inside my mind which I try to ignore because I was talking to my luna who heartbeat was getting faint. I started to have flashes of images in my mind of different times we made love or I made her laugh or extremely happy and even yesterday when I made her cry. I realized it was her thinking of all those things as her heartbeat got fainter and weaker. I heard someone yell she needs to shift but she is too weak to try, as I am running with her Emmett pulls up to us. I jumped in the suv and he drove us towards the hospital at full speed. Come on luna I need for you too fight please I need for you to be okay I am sorry I never meant to hurt you. Please love fight for me.

Another memory came into my mind when our wolves ran together with each other for the first time as well as us making love in wolf form. Emmett hit a hole in the ground driving fast and I have to grip Hazel tighter so her body doesn't fall that's when a vision pops into my mind of Hazel standing in front of me smiling but it's like she is glowing the light around her shines bright it's also like she is floating and she asked how is this possible before I could answer Emmett calls my name saying we are here that's when I realized my claws were out and I dug them in the back of her neck. So Genevieve and her sisters were right we can see into other memories with our claws. I removed them opening the door getting out the suv and running inside with her tight against my chest just like last time the moment I stepped in we are bomb rushed with nurses and doctors. I answered their questions all of them while still in a panic I knew they wouldn't allow me in surgery with her but I followed them back until I couldn't go any further but I kept looking through the glass towards the room they wheeled her in. I listened hard for her heartbeat until I heard the faintest beat of it. It really felt like I stood there for hours as they worked with me having heard her heart stop and start again every time I wanted to run in there and begged her to fight to live for me until Emilio, Marcello and Genevieve comes in to check on luna. I can tell that Genevieve is still drowsy and fighting to stay up from whatever they stuck her with. Where is Raizo and Rain?

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