Chapter 51

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                             ***FRIEND OR FOE***

Something was off about Mila showing up the way she did I wasn't a hundred percent trusting as someone would think and I definitely wasn't forgiving. Not just because she cheated with my brother and faked her death but because her and my father were having a affair right up under my mother and my nose. Which conceive us a baby brother her treachery had no end and now here she was looking for protection. If not for Cameron being involved in this shit show I probably would've let Sandra have her way with her after I banished her from all the Moretti and Cranach Der Altere packs. So after dinner that night Emilio, Marcello, myself and our mates all stayed at my parents house with my mother to be her support and comfort as she have always been ours. She put on a strong face for everyone but deep down we know she was hurting because of my father actions. She not only had to deal with one affair but two because of his affair with Matteo mother someone that lives in the same city and state as her hell not even thirty miles away. Mila and our baby brother left for Florence where her family pack lives now. Which that night Emilio, Mashelle and I were grateful for because my mom offered to put her and Cameron up for the night. Hazel seemed indifferent about the offer which would have had any other woman pissed. The offer pissed me off when she asked but the moment she said no thank you I was back relaxed. She was already fucking our father under all of our noses who knows what she would try being in the same house as all three of us. I had Emmett and his brother Edmond to follow her home I needed to know why she is back well other then the reason she is telling us that she is back because there have to be more to the story here. It was like Shannon said she had the help of a witch all this time the help of her pack and other packs why wouldn't she tell us warn us. I am worried about her motives and Hazel is relaxed after having a vision of someone coming which had her being extra worried to now not a care in the world. Okay I am being extra she is still worried but not as worried as I am for a ex to return. Than let's not forget she had a vision of a woman killing my mother who else if not Mila returning to tell us that she not only fucked my brother and me but also my father and had a child with him.

The next day was like nothing happened we all returned to work that morning Hazel and Mashelle were at Moretti Holdings working because they're the new sole attorneys handling all new and old contracts that come through since I had to fire and banish my last attorney. While my brothers and myself were onsite of the remodeling of our nightclub/lounge checking on how things were coming alone. Which it turns out everything looked great the Castillo's were truely good with their hands even the construction of the top floor looked good. We needed this a place for our kind to come and relax or party because wolves, vampires, witches, and fairies like to party a little different than humans and they could have that here free to be themselves.

Camilla and Lucia were both released from the hospital that morning so Killion and Karson took off to make sure their mates and babies were escorted saftely Lucia and Karson went to the Carter estate with Mr. and Mrs. Carter and my sister and Killion went to my parents house because Camilla wanted mom help with her baby. The new club manager Rosie was really good at the books and everything else that involved running a club she wasn't even trying to get in Emilio, Marcello, or my pants or pockets which made us respect her a whole lot more. Later on that day we all stopped by my parents to visit with baby Kaylani and checked on mom to found her and my dad arguing in the living room mom was half shifted getting ready to charge after our father. Something that had us shocked because my mom haven't shifted in years.

Emilio and myself had to break them up when we asked what had happened we found out that Camilla and Mana weren't my father daughters but Diego's girls. My mother had started a affair with him when her and our dad separated when she found out he was having a affair with Mrs. Ferrari after he promised he had ended it but really didn't because she caught them in bed together again. Mom had gotten pregnant with Camilla first the next year she got pregnant with Mana which is something our father had already known but they kept from us. We were to young to remember when my father left my mother so they decided to keep it from us all together. Which our father decided to air our mother dirty landry because his secrets are coming out and mom thinking they should take a break from each other well not so much of a break in her eyes but a divorce. So now on top of everything we are dealing with from our enemies we now have our parents at each others throats. I would have thought my sisters would have been mad or hurt to find out about Diego but Camilla said she knew already she always felt a connection to Diego. That it was a connection with Diego that she never felt with our father so she asked our mom about it and she told her when she was fifteen that he was her and Mana father. And that is how they became even closer along with him and Mana they both knew already and Camilla she even calls him papa Diego right along with Mana. Which I wonder why I never heard them calling my father dad anymore from the age of thirteen forward and why they would never listen to him or ask him for anything this is why they knew. After getting them both calm down our dad refused to leave saying my mom and him are mates so they will work through this as mates but my mom didn't agree and walked away telling him to use the guest room to sleep for now on. So not only was everything we were taught about wolves, witches, fairies and vampires were a lie but our family was all based on a lie too.

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