Chapter 62

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           *** A Battle Won Or Lost ***

**Camillo Moretti & Hazel Moon**

I didn't know what to say when luna said that she seen me die or even that my brother died. I can tell that she thought I didn't believe her words so she reached up to touch my face with one of her hands as I cradled her close to my chest. The moment her hands touched my cheek a vision entered my mind of us entering a cave within the mountain going to save Shannon and Tyler everything looked good at first glance until we find them chained to a wall with pure silver chains as we tried to save them my father detonated some kind of bomb making large rocks start to fall along with the floor opening underneath us as we try to climb out using our claws more large boulders size rocks start to fall even more making us fall down into the holes in the ground as more and more rocks fall on us crushing us. Hazel removed her hands as I try to catch my breathe because it is like I could feel the smoke and debris from the vision clouding my lungs. Hazel began to rub my cheek in a soft caress as she looks in my eyes I can tell that Emilio, Marcello, Genevieve, Dahlia, Celeste, and Freya saw everything we saw.

Hazel: You see Mon Roi Alpha that is why you can't go I don't won't to lose you.

I remove her hand from my cheek bringing it to my lips to kiss the inside of her wrist while I inhale her scent. I understand love but I can't leave Shannon and Tyler to suffer whatever my father have planned they are our family I must go. Hazel look like she wants to argue but she knows I am right.

Mashelle: What did you see Haze?

I really wish she wouldn't say but Hazel wouldn't lie to Shelle so she tell them everything from her vision. When she was done everyone look like they wanted to hold us back now but Angel and Kyle they would go with or without our help and I personally understood why their mates lives were on the line and in Angel case his mates and unborn child. I had noticed that the girls and their brothers had all been trying to see the future well I should say a different future until I watched their eyes go from white to their normal color.

Genevieve: Babbo we may be able to help you.

NO! Out the question I will never put you girls in that kind of danger.

Hazel: Neither will I Genevieve are you girls crazy?

Hazel had turned around in my arms glaring at Genevieve.

Genevieve: We will be in danger if you die Babbo you and uncle because all your enemies will come for us all of us.

Vincent: What about the girls stay here and Lucius and I go with you to use magic to keep the mountain from coming down on you that way you can get your people out. It is the least we can do after you've taken us in and helped us.

Dahlia: NO! I seen your deaths to if you help them they will live and you will die after they are out by Antonello hands. Babbo and Zio won't get to you in time.

Lucius: But we can help we aren't important if Camillo and Emilio dies it would mean the end of witches, wolves, and humans.

Everyone began to argue with what tactic to take in getting our own back and by this time I had stood up sitting luna on her feet as I tune them out trying to think of how we could approach this. Angel began to scream in pain make it stop just as Hazel began to scream with him blood began to appear through his shirt as he fall to the ground Killion and I rush over to our friend lifting his shirt seeing cuts. I turn to look at luna no blood and she stopped screaming when I look back at Angel chest and stomach there is blood everywhere I asked for a bottle of water pouring it over his chest seeing a message reading for me to come alone or Shannon and Tyler both dies. Why did they choose to write the message on Angel?

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