Chapter 13

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**Graduation Party**

**Hazel Moon ***

It's seemed like I had been here hours and this thing was going to last forever without an end. The music have changed a few time now it's on soft classical music like we are in some kind of large elevator which I hate. Camillo and the other men at our table start a conversation but I don't know what about because I began to tune them out watching everyone walk around mingling. There are a few people that start to watch me because they see how close Camillo and I are seated next to each other which their stares made me uncomfortable. I had already had a wolf lady growl at me when I first walked in just from coming in with him. I didn't need anything else weird to happen because a human girl was with the most sought after werewolf in the world. When I try to move my seat over Camillo shook his head at me turning to look me in the eyes before moving me back closer to him. It was crazy because he was deep in conversation looking a different way but somehow felt my little movement. I began to daydream about the forest and the white haired woman that told me she was a Dragon but it's short lived because Camillo brother Marcello walks over asking me to dance. Even though I am bored as hell and would love too I tell him no one else is dancing. He gives me a million dollar smile that's both sexy and mischevious before speaking.

Marcello: Maybe because they can't or they don't have someone as lovely as you to dance with. So what do you say beautiful dance with a begging man?

I look up at him and smile placing my hand in his the moment we make it to the dance floor Dark times by The Weeknd ft. Ed Sheeran start and Marcello wrap his arm around my waist bringing me closer into a rumba. I have to thank god for my grandmere for making me take those dance classes growing up. Marcello is so smooth by the way he looks in my eyes with fire never breaking eye contact. It's intense everything about the way he grips, turns, and lift me is sensual romantic even. I would've never thought anyone could rumba to this song but he pulls it off. The pull and push of our movement makes my already high split rise a little higher showing even more of my thigh. The song ends and I am breathing hard looking into his eyes as he does the samething to me. He lean forward just as everyone starts clapping and I turn my head making him kiss my cheek. I see Camillo and Emilio looking like they both want to kill their baby brother while Shannon smiles at me like a idiot. I stepped out of Marcello hold on me which his arm was firmly around my waist thanking him for the dance before turning to walk back to my date feeling hot like I need something to drink sure Marcello is handsome, sweet and have a nice body hell all the Moretti brothers does but I seen the way Sasha was looking at him and he was staring at her before he noticed me tonight. I don't care if it's a crush or not I wouldn't want to hurt a friend. I make a beeline towards one of the waiters to grab a drink before heading back towards the others. I end up getting stop by a few old high school friends which they don't really want to know about me and how I have been but the Moretti brothers. One of the girls name April asked me was I fucking all three of them because if I were that would be amazing, like in what world would having sex with three brothers be amazing. I have to remember that it isn't me that their fascinated with but the Moretti men. I wonder if they ever get tired of being in the spot light in the human world or werewolves knowing Emilio probably not.

As I talk to them I realize these bitches weren't paying attention to anything I said when I was answering their questions because two questions got repeated and they were staring behind me I guess at Camillo, Emilio, and Marcello which was making me start to hate the Moretti brothers damn that isn't fair it isn't their fault they're rich, smart, and overly handsome. I know in the morning my feet will be hurting and my voice will be hoarse from trying to talk over the music. So I stop talking just listening to their conversation which wasn't changing from the Moretti men so I tuned them out. I wonder if these bitches would want them if they knew they were werewolves? Knowing April the skank she still would she would want them if they were actual dogs. I laugh at my own thought making them look my way I just shrug my shoulders looking pass them. April is probably already picking out baby names along with wedding dresses in her head. I heard April call my name twice breaking me out of my own thoughts. I look over at her frustrated she roll her eyes saying my man is staring at me which I automatically freeze thinking she was talking about Marco because for some reason people think that's the only person I will ever be with. I turn around to see Camillo staring in our direction I let out a deep breathe that I had been holding when I realize she was talking about Camillo and not Marco. He notices the relief look on my face and I see concern on his face with worry in his eyes. He immediately walk towards us looking every bit the sexy god I know he is. Just like I predicted he is dominant because as he walks over to me everyone eyes followed his steps as if he demanded it. When he arrive he lift my face by putting his hand on both sides of my face like in his apartment.

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