Chapter 27

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**Camillo Moretti**

After being brought up to speed of what was happening so far by my father our flight takes off. I think just four hours we can do it I meant I could do that right? Hell No! Wrong my wolf and I were a nervous wreck I had open my laptop to watch the news which still wasn't giving anything. The only thing that the reporters was reporting was that they were trying to retrieve the vehicle but the ravine was steep and narrow around this time of year slippery as well because of the cold and all the rain. So they can't get down there safely without endangering their own men which I didn't give a fuck about their men! What about my luna, my sister and my best friend? I know it was wrong the way I was thinking but something inside of me wouldn't let me care. My wolf was telling me that we could have gotten there quicker by me shifting and allowing him to run. It was true but I had others with me and we had to keep up appearances. Besides it's too late now we are two hundreds or thousands of feet in the air. I doubt even the alpha king can survive a fall that high.

Angel: Here man you're going to make yourself crazy.

I look up seeing Angel handing me a whisky dry so I take it swallowing it down. I wish my phone worked to receive and make calls while in the air. I close the laptop turning to Kyle and Greyson to talk to them, finding out that Greyson is trying to make sure his twin brother gets to Miami safely with his mate. They are just like Emilio and myself identical twins just not truly identical like us. He is also happy that I am giving his brother a place within my packs since his father won't allow him too.

Greyson: The Quatermain pack will be forever indebted to you.

That's not necessary I didn't do it for any favors your brother is smart, strong, and kind he will be a great asset to the family plus you men have always been good friends to me.

Greyson: Well just know that you have an ally in our packs.

I nod my head leaning back and sending up a prayer to our moon goddess for all of them because all of them are loved dearly. I start to think back on how I acted with my luna before I left on top of being a jerk and coward not calling to check on her to tell her I love her. Angel speaks pulling me out my own head at the very moment I seen my luna hazel eyes.

Angel: I think we still have a traitor within our mist.

That statement makes Kyle and Greyson sit up at attention listening to what Angel is saying.

Angel: How did whoever did this know when to attack and where to do it?

My eyes dart to his because he is right. I didn't think about it. I am usually the first to think hard come up with answers or a plan but I've been off lately. I tell myself don't think so hard right now because I have too much on my plate at the moment. When I don't think about that or the Carters crash I think about Sandra and Lisa trying to pin fucking babies on me. My wolf thinks it's because how I left things with our luna that I've been off balanced. That when we mate we become stronger because of our mates when things are off with our mates and us it affects everything else too. I tell him we will figure it out than I close my eyes again listening to Angel getting Kyle and Greyson all caught up until finally I am out getting some dreamless sleep but it didn't last long because I feel Angel waking me up saying we have landed.

I jump up grabbing my things telling Kyle everything is waiting in Miami thanking him and Greyson than I head for my car while Angel gets in his own. We both know already that we're headed to my parents house that's where everyone is waiting for word on the others. The jet takes back off the moment our vehicles speed off the runway flying over us as we drive away. The drive getting to my parents house was torture because traffic was horrible as usual what should have been a twenty minute drive turned into a forty minute drive because of a overturned vehicle on the freeway. What is up with Houston drivers?

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