Chapter 44

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**Camillo Moretti**

Everyone stayed until they were put out the hospital by hospital security only Emilio and Mashelle stayed with us. Hazel couldn't sleep so I had to get the doctors to give her something to help her in her IV. Which that was something that she wasn't happy about she have a thing against medicine that causes her to sleep. They brought another bed into the room so Mashelle could sleep here with Hazel. Emilio and I ended up having a brotherly conversation in our minds through our shared wolf connection which it turns out we are more alike than we thought having some of the same hopes and dreams. After that I did talk to Marcello on the phone outside the room for a few minutes so the girls wouldn't hear about a very small attack in California on one of our packs on the Cranach Der Altere reservations but the Fenrir warriors had been there already in position and killed three vampyres. After that Emilio and I stayed up working the whole night Killion ended up calling to let me know that the Mikhailov and the Sokolov Russian packs made it and that Ron stopped by to pick up the packages for delivery to Marco. I couldn't wait for them to come in and release Hazel this morning because with the nurses in and out the room all night even if I wanted to get sleep it would have been impossible.

We headed straight to my place instead of my parents once we left the hospital we all need some rest without all the questions and stares. I send Emmett and Edmond back to their mates because Hazel will have Raizo and Rain for protection and we can always use Kyle or Helldog if the need arrive they need to spend time with their mates and pups. The moment we stepped inside the front door we can smell that breakfast have been cooked. We all head for the kitchen to see mom, Rose, and my personal cook there cleaning and cooking. Mom and Rose stopped what they were doing coming over to hug us telling us to go sit and eat so thats what we do. Leave it to my mom to know her pups because we didn't tell her that we weren't going to her house we only told her that Hazel had been released from the hospital. Hazel was just sitting there staring at her plate of food not eating not even thinking. Well it was nothing that I could hear if she was thinking and her mind wasn't closed off to me it was just blank. Emilio looks up at her then me with concern in his eyes thinking we needed to do something. Hazel love you need to eat please. She looks up at me and nod her head picking up her fork and beginning to eat her food but she wasn't tasting it she was just eating because I asked her too. In her mind she didn't won't to worry me so she thought she would just do as I say but that wasn't making me feel any better. I asked my mom where are the girls she tells me that Celeste and Freya stayed back at her house with the others and Genevieve and Dahlia are here somewhere. I shake my head okay digging into my plate not really knowing how hungry I was until my mom set a third plate in front of me and Hazel had just now finished her first which still had food on it. I noticed her hand goes down to her belly and sadness enters her eyes. She stands holding her hand out to me so I could come to bed with her, so I stand picking her up and carrying her to our room. When I open the door I see that the whole decor have been changed to the colors that were in Hazel room back in Texas. I think this must be moms doing to make my luna feel at home. I strip us both down naked then I climb in bed pulling her with me into my chest kissing her head twice before closing my eyes to sleep. When I wake it's to Hazel and I making love, I explore every part of her body in every room of this house ending with me sinking my fangs in her inner thigh that's when I wake for real out my sleep to Hazel wrapped around my body.

Hazel: Do it!


Hazel: Do it! Do what you dreamed about.

I can't luna you just got out the hospital your body needs rest.

Hazel: Camillo there is more than one way for us to make love. Now come on you need this and so do I.

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