Chapter 73

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           ***Celtic Ritual***

We were all born to die -Camillo Moretti

My one question is why can't the dead stay dead? I mean they had their time they live their lives. Why come back now I mean they had eons but picked now to come back. We could have went hours talking about these dark witches their dark high priestess, dark fairy queen, Akasha, princess Emilia, our father, and every other creature or human coming after us but I didn't and I couldn't only because after Prudence spoke her last words my phone rung which I had to answer it because it was my eyes and ears Ron. If Ron calls it is never good and I was right to worried it isn't good at all he called to tell me that Eragon was seen getting off a plane in Spain. I thought with him being in Spain and our father being in Germany along with Chance being in Italy with Mia none of this can be good especially after that dark witch Himiko managed to possess Prudence with a freaking mirror. The girls were right we shouldn't underestimate those witches especially Himiko because she was a lesser evil than the other three she was still powerful from what I seen. We were talking about things working out good for us with the Celtic Ritual because the events is being hosted by us here we all know the property like the back of our hands so security and protection of our own should be good. So after hours of talking, planning, and working helping set up a few last minutes things we called it a night going to bed with our mates.

Well this time I don't head to my mom house for my childhood room I had to actually get into my car and drive home because that is where we would be staying tonight at our own home in our own beds something I know the girls and luna missed. When I get inside the house going to our room opening the door luna and the girls are there in our bed sleep. Dahlia and Genevieve lying at the foot of the bed behind their mamen luna. I put my things down going to my closet to put on night clothes and getting in bed pulling luna into my arms. The moment my head hit the pillow I am out a peaceful sleep. Well peaceful until something happen that have never happen before okay let me fix that it hadn't happen in a long time with Akasha calling to us especially when she wasn't trying. Not only that the babies marks were keeping her from being able to call us forward to her. But not tonight something had change but what? Emilio and I were pulled to a part deep inside the Draculea castle. It was dark, cold, wet, as well as creepy even to us we could tell that this part of the castle wasn't visited or used often at least not by anyone but Akasha. It was like we were being pulled forward by her as she walked towards two large steel doors we were hopeless but to follow like we were being pulled with her but by luna essence. I say that because that was who we felt we were following not Akasha even though clearly it was here our body felt Hazel. That was when we noticed right above the castle dungeon doors was an arch of wood with some kind of weird engravement carved right into it which lead me to believe we shouldn't enter.

As Akasha pushed opened the doors we could feel her excitement but fear as well we even heard witches inside chanting something. But when she stepped inside we could tell something was trying to force us inside with her but something was keeping us out something I didn't mind because my every being told me we shouldn't go in. That is when our marks started to burn like hell along with them starting to glow a golden color. Whatever Akasha had that was pulling us forward we both felt it break because of our marks. Whatever magic she used wasn't stronger then the marks that we both bare on our skin. She turned looking us in our eyes screaming no as something deep in the shadows behind her eyes started to glow red as it growled hissed sounding demonic as smoke came from the darkness. I really wanted to see what it was because it felt familiar it smelled familiar but I knew I shouldn't enter. The witches chant faster and louder as the candles around the room flicked until they light up out of nowhere having Akasha smile as we both began to be pulled back towards her but again we can't go pass the doorway she tries to come forward to pull us inside but was thrown backwards by magic before twelve witches that was inside was hit by white light knocking them out. We turn to look at the person that touched our shoulders to see a beautiful woman with creamy white tanned skin gray eyes and a white long braided ponytail to the right side of her shoulder is standing in between us looking beautiful like a angel.

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