Chapter 40

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**Camillo Moretti**

After we had finished talking and I hugged my new little princesses everyone splits up going to make calls check on family and double security. I go into my study just to get away from my mate for a little while but while I am there I do get some actual work done. There is a knock on the door which before I could say come in Emilio walks through the door with a smirk on his face.

Emilio: Hiding from Hazel brother?

I laugh asking how did he know? At first he shrugs his shoulders then he says it's a twin thing he guess. I lift my eyebrow saying a twin thing huh? I didn't know we had a twin thing you always tried to be so different from me. This time when I speak I look up from my laptop at him.

Emilio: Well I first noticed it after I... Nevermind but lets just say sometimes I can feel what you feel even if I don't feel the same way. I can now hear others thoughts but not yours only when you allow me in. I realize what a jerk I've been to you all these years man it's no excuse but it was only because I didn't have my own identity. I was Emilio, Camillo identical twin brother. I never cared about those women not how you did my emotions were tied to yours. You had loved and desired those women so the part of me that was also you loved them too. I am sorry man.

This time when he speaks I can see the truth in his words and the apology he is given today is truly genuine. So I stand going to hug my brother this time I really forgive him no conditions attached. We pull apart and Emilio goes to pour us a drink I can tell he is deep in thought about whatever the twins told him about the women he have to choose between. I am glad that I have never had that kind of weight on my shoulders with being fated or tied to two. So who is these other women that you are fated to? He turn handing me a drink with a smirk on his face thinking he forgot I can sometimes read his mind.

Emilio: Brother are you trying to get my girl?

I laughed at him shaking my head telling him that he will slip and think of her or them and I will be there to hear his thoughts. This time he laughed at me before giving me a serious look.

Emilio: Okay seriously Cam you need to fix this with Hazel man. She is a bitch when you two are at each other throats.

I tell him that I am not leaving her but I need time to think about all this. Which is something I was denied the time to do when I did walk out earlier because I was attacked by Baker and that fucking wiccan.

Emilio: So what are you going to do about the vampyre princess Akasha?

You mean what are we going to do? If my ears heard right she will take you or me man I am hoping she will settle for you. I smile at him making him look irritated with me.

Emilio: My dick isn't going anywhere near that crazy vampyre bitch.

Same here man the only woman I want to have babies with is determined for that not to happen.

Emilio: She will come around she loves you and besides a luna's job is to procreate and please her alpha.

That kind of thinking in this century we are living in will get you killed brother or in Hazel case castrared and I happened to love my dick attached. We both laughed this time as we heard someone else knocks on the door we both said come in at the same time to see our mother telling us dinner is ready. I look at the clock to see that it's 7:45. We all walked out at the same time towards the dining room where everyone else already was seated ready to eat. We can never have a small regular size home not in a wolf pack there's always to many guest visiting. The girls are here looking happier as they dig into their plates. I go take my seat next to my luna who is talking to Tyler it would seems she really do enjoy his company a lot. The two have became friends at first sight sometime I think she prefers his company over her girlfriends Shannon, Mashelle, and Sasha. She tells me that it's things she can tell Tyler that she can't tell them and there's even things she can ask him that they won't understand. I don't mention that I am a man and she could ask me I just let them be. While I was deep in thought I heard my name being called so I look up.

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