Chapter 50

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It's been three days since Hazel had that vision of her seeing mom die by the hands of a woman who face she couldn't see and since that day we have doubled our security for my mother and questioned every woman that works on the grounds of my parents home. Even the girls have read their minds but nothing was recovered maybe because there was nothing to uncover with the people that worked for us. Mom isn't convinced that any of the pack members or anyone that works for us would want to kill her but I trust my luna if she seen it someone will try. So we aren't taking any chances until whoever it is reveal themselves. Since that day Hazel have been having headaches a lot more which we have tied in with her visions since they happen whenever she have a vision. Emilio nor I have had a dream again about Akasha but we did get pulled to Vlads castle doing one of her visit with the witch she had used to visit Emilio and myslef in one of our dreams. The magic that Hazel had used on us is working really well because the witch haven't been able to help her return to our dreams. No one knows so far about Hazel being half fairy on Marco, Sandra, or Akasha side they all have their suspicion about her but we made sure that nothing have been confirmed swearing all of these that was there that day to secrecy. The witch that helped Akasha dream walk in our minds while we were sleep is Kol girlfriend the one that linked Emilio and myself. She has been trying to dream walk into Hazels dreams as well to find out what all she knows as well as trying to give Akasha control of her mind and body. But thanks to her grandfather coming clean with us about who she was and the twins casting the spell to call forward the fairy queen who have been teaching Hazel more powerful spells and magic the witch isn't any match for luna even with her being a beginner. It's also seems that Akasha is having trouble with trusting Vincent ans Lucius the gemini male witches who are the brothers of the girls so she have been using outside sources like Kol and his girlfriend Beth instead of them. Mr. and Mrs. Carter made it back down from Texas yesterday when Killion told them of Hazel's vision. They have been staying at my parents house even though they have their own right here in Rome. They both stated that they want to keep a eye on mom. No one knows but I was able to hear my mother and Kenneth conversation one day and I found out that her father intended for her to mate with Mr. Carter his father wanted the same but the two of them fall in love with someone else and Mr. Carter promised to always protect mom. So I guess that's why he always comes when mom is in need of him. To think we Moretti children could have been Carter children thank god that wasn't the case because Hazel would've been my half sister.

Tonight is the night of the girls father daughter dance so I actually left work early today along with my brothers to go pick up our suits from Parta di Rona Mall because we don't want to be late getting to their special night. I called luna to check on her when we arrived but like always the woman doesn't know how to answer her damn phone so I have to call Raizo just to see where she is and make sure she is okay. Which he tells me that she is with a client and she will be going home after this meeting. Now I know why she didn't answer she takes her work really serious to be so young I know it's because she wants to make a name for herself outside of the Moretti-Cranach der Altere name. It is crazy that we work together but I never see her there. But somehow the work she have to do is always done. I guess another reason why I never see her is because Hazel is really big on being and staying professional at work and if I seen her I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off her. I make sure once we arrived at the mall we are in and out when we did arrive because my brothers will go into every mens department store they have here just to shop something that they get from our mother. We get a few bows along with other greeting as we make our way in and out the mall but we don't stop for any long conversation. We did notice that a few people who normally looked like humans now we could see that they were really half fairies. I smile at them as we pass and instead of them being scared how they would normally look when they seen us they all smile back at the three of us. I wonder is the gift the fairy queen left me with was the sight of seeing the other fairies in this world but it couldn't be because Emilio and Marcello see them as well wouldn't the gifts she left us with all be different. The drive home we are all doing different things from working on laptops, tablets, and cell phones I get this weird feeling but I ignored it because it isn't a bad feeling like something is going to happen in a bad way it's just that something is off or someone is coming. As we arrived to my house I see Sasha and Mashelle cars here already but I know Hazel wouldn't be here just yet because she was just at Moretti Holdings in a client meeting. When we get ready to step out the car the twins car pull up with Kyle and Tyler in the front seat usually in the afternoon Kyle and Tyler is with luna while Raizo and Rain are getting the girls from school but they must've switch today because Hazel had the meeting. We tried to ask them about their day but they only hug us running inside the house for their rooms.

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