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Chapter four

"A night of putting things into perspective."

The next morning, Beatrix was sitting frozen at the kitchen table, as her mother dropped her breakfast plate down in front of her "I knew it! I knew it! I knew that Salvatore boy was a danger to her! But no, you told me that she'd be fine! She should go out with her friends live her life! Look at her, she's a statue!" she voiced, as her grandmother huffed, pulling the newspaper away from her face "oh, would you hush it! Honestly! You and I both remember what it's like seeing someone die in front of us for the first time! It's not meant to be pretty! It build's character! And from the sound of this guy in the paper? Everyone who seems like they are missing him are just spitting out horse shit! If anything the big idiot did it for some gusto being as both Stefan and Beatrix where there for the kill, the two probably said something that made him pissed or our daughter spoke the truth of lovely Mr Tanner and Damon decided to do everyone a favor and get rid of him either way the only other headline in the paper, is deadly beast captured all is safe in mystic falls." she shared.

And as she did, Beatrix snapped out of her state and turned to her "what?" she asked, as her grandmother hummed' "mm-hmm, see for yourself?" she asked her, as Beatrix furrowed her brows "no, not the paper. I mean yes that's good for us. But I meant about what you said about Damon?" she asked her "what about it?" her mother asked her "well, yes I said a few things to Damon although I'm pretty sure what upset him was Stefan because he was talking about his humanity and he mentioned Katherine, which I'm realizing unless her name is coming out of Damon's mouth, is a huge blood dripping red flag that will end with someone dead. But.." Beatrix shared.

As her mother's eyes went wide "but what?" she asked her "but, I may have implied that Mr Tanner was, and I quote, such a dick, which then before I knew it, Damon sped around and was ripping Mr Tanner's throat out." Beatrix shared "Beatrix!" her mother voiced, as her grandmother cackled, slamming the newspaper down on the table "ha! I knew it! See? What did I tell you ladies, hmm? Sometimes are wicked tongues get us in a whole lot more of a mess than our powers. I say it's time we meet this Mr Salvatore especially now that he's covered up his tracks. And I know the exact function to do it." she shared, smirking at them both.

And meanwhile, while Beatrix and her grandmother had gone dress shopping, Beatrix's mother Cassandra had stayed home and had her sun hat on along with her gloves as she was out back, working on her various plants that were also used for witchcraft purposes then in food, as she sensed footsteps come up behind her "Mr Salvatore? What can I do for you?" she asked, as Stefan furrowed his brows, looking behind him and then back at her "did you sense me here?" he asked her.

While Cassandra huffed as she stood up from the wolfsbane "Stefan, you brought my daughter home frozen and crying and now she's back to her normal self after she shared, the unopposed details of calling her teacher a dick before he was killed, to where she's now shopping for dresses to the founders party, so if your looking to apologize, your a little late. Some witches work fast, but one Winnifred Black works faster especially when it comes to her granddaughter. Where sometimes I am blind sided on who's actually the mother here, seeing as she seems to be such a fan of your brother even after everything he's done and I always thought you were the dangerous one." she shared, walking toward's her other plants.

And as she did, Stefan followed after her "um, I can't exactly say it out loud." he told her, looking around him, Cassandra smirked "worried other ears are lurking, Mr Salvatore?" she asked "yes." Stefan told her, furrowing his brows, Cassandra chuckled "I'm a witch who knows who her neighbors are." she shared, stopping in front of a plant, as Stefan stood on the other side, he went to touch it, as Cassandra smacked his hand away "are you nuts? Trying to burn your skin off?" she asked him, and as she did Stefan's eyes went wide "vervain? You've been growing it." he realized "all witches have their tricks. I tend to enjoy the gardening and the potion making the most. So do you want it or not?" Cassandra asked him, and as she did, Stefan furrowed his brows.

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