Chapter one hundred and twenty
"Baby shower."
Damon was still hugging Beatrix, as Beatrix raised her brows "Damon? Damon, you can let go now." she told him "no. No. I can't lose you." Damon told her, as Beatrix looked around seeing Bonnie, Caroline and Matt's worried faces, she saw Stefan reach for the vervain "if you let go of me, your not gonna lose me. Your okay. Your out now." Beatrix shared, and as she did, Stefan walked up behind Damon and stabbed him in the neck with the vervain, as Damon let go of Beatrix and lied back down on the table, Beatrix took a deep breath and stood up as Bonnie and Caroline walked up to her "let's get you home." Caroline told her "and a sundae." Beatrix told her "yeah." Bonnie said, as the three began walking out.
Where the only plus of getting Stefan and Damon out of the phoenix stone meant that Beatrix's powers thanks to her hormones were no longer haywire seeing as she used them so much that they seemed to calm down, although the next morning, Beatrix wasn't quite ready for the baby shower that Caroline decided to throw her, as Beatrix was wearing a pink dress, her hair was in a ponytail as she was eating one of her cupcakes as she was on the phone with Stefan "look, you don't need to tell me that your not coming to this party. I understand! What you two went through was a lot! Last thing you need is to come to a baby shower. I mean honestly after everything I went through I wish I could skip this too, but Caroline won't let me lie on the couch and eat snacks so now I'm stealing cupcakes." she shared, taking another bite of her cupcake.
"Right because even with everything going on I still got Caroline's crazy list of gifts to buy you and Ric." Stefan shared, as Beatrix chuckled "please don't worry about that, okay? I just want you two to be safe. You guys just came back to reality, things might still be a little wonky and with what mystic falls has turned into.." she shared "don't you worry. I will..bye." Stefan told her, hanging up, Beatrix brought the phone down, as Caroline walked out "your already eating the cupcakes!" she voiced, as Beatrix turned to her "I'm a pregnant witch angel demon who just spent her time pulling people out of hellscapes! I think I deserve a couple cupcakes before everyone else!" she voiced, as Caroline laughed, Beatrix joined her.
Where as everyone arrived at the party, the games had started as Beatrix stood with Bonnie and Caroline, watching as Tyler, Matt and Alaric were all blindfolded as they tried to put diapers on the baby dolls, Bonnie filmed them "ready set go!" a women voiced, as they started "this is a nightmare. Look at him." Caroline shared "oh come on, Caroline. If I can spin around and put clothes on. I think I can magically put on a baby diaper." Beatrix shared, eating another of the cupcakes "this is the best blackmail material ever." Bonnie shared.
Beatrix then raised her brows "is it bad that it's hitting me now that in a few short weeks. I'm going to be helping Alaric take care of two magical babies?" she asked "well with everything going on it's understandable that it would just be hitting you now." Caroline shared "but when it does happen maybe we shouldn't.." Beatrix was saying, as the bell dinged "time!" a women voiced, as the baby's head fell off of Tyler's baby, Matt's diaper was on his head while Alaric did it perfectly as they unblindfolded themselves "yes!" Alaric cheered, as Beatrix smiled.
"That's terrifying. You're never babysitting. Neither of you..ever." Alaric shared, getting up and walking over to the drinks table, Beatrix stepped around Caroline and walked over to him "I have to say I am very impressed." she shared "well, it's a diaper, not a bomb, though I could dismantle a bomb blindfolded if I needed to." Alaric shared, drinking his beer "I have no doubt about that. Um..look I know this might be bad timing because this is supposed to be a celebration with all our friends but I am..I wanted to talk to you about the..oof.." Beatrix said, looking down at her stomach "sorry, baby A just kicked." she told him.
"Oh, she did, really?" Alaric asked "yeah, here.." Beatrix told him, taking his hand and putting it on her belly "ha ha! Oh, damn! My daughter's a ninja." Alaric shared "oh they both are trust me. Cause now baby B just kicked." Beatrix shared, laughing "what? You can tell them apart?" Alaric asked her, as Beatrix looked up at him "of course. And I'm starting to have this inkling that they're girls." she shared, giggling, Alaric smiled at her.
That night being back home, Beatrix was sorting through all the stuff they had gotten from the party "hey! I think we might not actually need all this stuff!" she voiced, knocking a box over "oh!" she voiced, but when she went to grab it, a letter on the floor caught her attention as she picked it up and it was a letter to teach at a different college, as she let out a sigh of relief that she wasn't the only thinking about moving away, as the front door opened, Beatrix turned to him "yes." she told him "yes to what?" Alaric asked her.
"Yes to moving. Yes to getting out of this town. I promised Jo and you that nobody would find you and your babies. I mean the coven decided to put them in me for a reason because they know I could keep them safe." Beatrix shared, as Alaric looked at her "your practically they're guardian angel Beatrix. I wasn't gonna go anywhere without you." he shared, as Beatrix let out a breath and smiled "like I was saying I don't think we need all this stuff." she shared, and when she did, her and Alaric both laughed.

If only, Damon Salvatore
FanfictionIn the town of mystic falls it's always been a quaint town but what some people don't know is that for decades it has been the home of supernatural beings from werewolves to witches to vampires. Although the vampires had disappeared from the town, t...