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Chapter eighty four

"Sacrifice yourself for your friends." 

Beatrix hadn't slept, knowing what she did to Flora, Jesse didn't really matter she barley knew him even had started to think he was a problem from knowing how much he knew about Dr Wes Maxfield she even thought he had to do with the vampires being locked in cages but it turns out he didn't know, just like Flora didn't until it was too late and the two had been turned and then had no choice but to be taken out by her hand, or else they would've killed every vampire and witch, where her, Joanna, Esme, Laura and Minnie had all drank to their fallen friend, as morning arrived.

But being drunk, Beatrix had pulled out her phone and was calling Damon for the tenth time and as she did, she got his voice mail, as she hung up again, she furrowed her brows "is it weird that Damon's not answering me back after the last person I left him with was Dr Wes Maxfield?" she asked, as Joanna sat up "you don't think he.." she was asking "no, if he killed him he would've answered me and we would be given another bottle of bourbon and be screaming from the rooftops that are problems were over." Beatrix shared.

"So what do you think happened?" Laura asked her "if Wes kidnapped Jesse and Flora to turn them into vampires to then do test on them like clearly change their feeding habits then..." Beatrix shared "then as a scientist he would need a new subject and what better subject to test on then someone who already was a vampire." Esme realized "exactly!" Beatrix voiced as she stood up "but let's think even further, I mean those tunnels you showed us when we first came here? They lead to those cells that Flora and Jesse were kept in, where we met that one vampire who from knowing Meghan I'm sure just wasn't in there for a couple of days." she shared.

"So you think he was in there for what years?" Joanna asked "possibly. I mean maybe he once got out but these people don't exactly seem like the type to just let people go! Because if they did, they wouldn't still be trying to test on vampires! It's sick! And twisted! And now thanks to Flora they know about us which means they now want to test on our kind as well and figure out what makes us tick!" Beatrix voiced, grabbing the bottle from Minnie, she drank from it "well, the phoenix society was around to stop them but clearly we haven't but I doubt that we would just stop trying to figure out what was going on so what happened?" Esme asked.

And when she did, Beatrix furrowed her brows, looking at the wall in the living room, she saw her grandmother on the wall with her class but then the picture next to it seemed to be her grandmother but more so as the headmistress while her mother was sitting down with the class of that time "my family stopped them. Or..or must've done something to where they thought they stopped them. And they..they knew Damon for a long time what if..what if this isn't the first time Damon got taken? What if back in the day, my family saved him helped him get out to the point where they thought the Augustines would be over?" she asked.

"Then they along with the rest of us would stop looking because even that night when we took you there, Lilith didn't know if the place was back up and running, we just took you guys there to learn our history." Joanna shared "and yet we found that they had a vampire locked in their basement." Esme shared "and now Damon's probably locked down there with him. I mean I doubt that they would let the guy go!" Beatrix voiced, and as she did, she started to get angry as the bottle in her hand exploded "whoa!" Minnie voiced, as her and Laura stood up so did Joanna and Esme.

"Beatrix..I think you need to calm down.." Joanna told her "no, no, what I need to do is go down into that tunnel and find Damon and save him and that other guy! I'm not gonna let Flora's death amount to nothing! So you four can stay here and keep drinking! But I'm going down there!" Beatrix voiced, as she turned walking out of the living room, Joanna, Esme, Laura and Minnie ran after her.

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