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Chapter eighty eight

"The new leader of the travelers."

It had been weeks since Beatrix had left Mystic Falls and when she did, the only people she had told of her going away was Lilith, Esme, Joanna, Laura and Minnie, where some of the travelers kept going missing from time to time while the others stayed behind and lead them from junkyard to junkyard, which wasn't the best lifestyle compared to what she was used to but after being told by everyone back in Mystic Falls that she was a problem, being with people who looked at her like she wasn't was better.

Where as Beatrix was sitting in a train car with her witch friends all wearing black hoods over their heads, Sloan walked up to them "there here." she told them, as Beatrix and them all stood up, they began walking out of the train car and as they climbed out, Enzo was there along with Stefan and Caroline along with the other travelers "who are you?" Stefan asked "I'm Sloan. Ans you met some of the travelers when they were taking a bucket of your blood." Sloan shared "oh, yeah. How could I forget? So, you have the antidote to this ripper virus, correct?" Stefan asked.

"We do. Thanks to Enzo." Sloan shared "I was trapped in that bloody farm house with Damon. Set to have my head torn off when out of nowhere Wes with the help of the travelers, saved my life. On the condition I owed him one." Enzo shared "what does that have to do with us?" Caroline asked "he was running low on vampires, and he needed one to continued his work, so I let him experiment on me. Among other things, it allowed him to make an antidote." Enzo shared "when he died, the travelers took it. And seeing as Elena is valuable to us, we're in the process of using Wes's resources to find a cure for her virus as well." Sloan shared.

"Alright. Fine. When will it be done?" Stefan asked "first we have to find something." Sloan shared "ok. What do you need?" Stefan asked "you." Beatrix said, and as she did, Stefan and Caroline looked to her, where Beatrix, Lilith, Esme, Joanna, Laura and Minnie all took their hoods off, Stefan and Caroline looked at her with wide eyes "Beatrix.." Stefan said, having not expected to see her here.

Where as the travelers began setting up the space for the witches to work, Stefan walked up to Beatrix "what do you mean you need me?" Stefan asked her "what she means is the other you." Joanna shared "what do you mean there's another one of me out there?" Stefan asked "did it ever occur to you that your not the only you that exists in this era?" Esme asked "of course he doesn't know traveler lore." Lilith shared "and you guys do?" Caroline asked "well, if you haven't realized by the witches disappearance I'm not the only who's been stuck with them for the past few weeks, I've picked up a few things. Like how the last three remaining pairs of doppelgangers are special." Enzo shared.

"Special how?" Caroline asked "none of your business." Sloan told them, as Beatrix huffed "look, Sloan came to me saying that I was the new leader of the travelers but then when I met up with her here, she started telling me a lot more like about this guy Markos. And how they want the blood from last remaining doppelgangers, which is us and Elena." she shared "why?" Caroline asked "it's special." Beatrix told her "special how?" Stefan asked "they won't tell me! All I know is that I need to find the other you and get rid of him." Beatrix shared "so, what, you do a locator spell to find this guy and then kill him?" Stefan asked.

"If it was a locator spell I wouldn't need you physically here. Remember that spell Qestiyah did on me?" Beatrix asked "where she fried your brain and you lost your memory?" Stefan asked her "yes but the spell isn't exactly like that. It's different." Beatrix shared, as Stefan and Caroline looked at her with furrowed brows.

Having walked away from them, Caroline said she wanted to talk to Stefan alone, as Beatrix sat on the red blanket, Stefan and Caroline soon walked up "come and sit." Beatrix told him "where are the antidotes?" Stefan asked "you'll get it when she's done." Sloan shared "no, you'll hand them over right now. I'm here. I'm doing everything you want me to." Stefan shared "I'll take them. I'll make sure the appropriate parties get them." Enzo shared, as one of the travelers stepped up handing it to him "if you don't trust me you're welcome to join, goldilocks." Enzo told Caroline.

"No, I want to stay with Stefan." Caroline shared "very well. Best of luck." Enzo shared, turning and walking off, Stefan stepped toward's Beatrix, he sat down across from her, Beatrix then pulled out a knife and reached for his hand, Caroline walked toward's her "wait, you said that you weren't gonna hurt him." she shared, as Joanna, Esme, Minnie and Laura stepped in front of her "no, I said I wouldn't fry his brain. I need his blood for the spell." Beatrix shared "wait a second." Stefan said, pulling his hand away "Tessa didn't need your blood when she linked me to Silas." he shared.

And when he did, Beatrix huffed "I get it. She told you not to trust me because i'm an awful person, right? Like how when Tyler told you that I slept with Klaus again, you looked at me the same way your looking at me right now. You used to trust me with a lot. But if you don't fine, I'll just Sloan do it her way.." she shared, going to stand up, Stefan grabbed her hand "I trust you." he told her, and when he did, Beatrix sat back down, and when she did, Stefan let go of her hand and held his palm out, where when he did, Beatrix brought the knife up and cut into it, and as she did, it dripped into the bucket.

Where Beatrix then put the knife down and stuck her hands into the bucket, getting his blood on her fingertips, she turned to him "don't freak out." she told him "freak out?" Stefan asked her, as Beatrix put her hands on the side of his face and kissed him, and when she did, Stefan's eyes went wide having not expected that, but as she kissed him again, Stefan's eyes closed as he kissed her back.

The sun soon had set and it was dark out, as Lilith, Esme, Joanna, Laura and Minnie had lit candles, Beatrix and Stefan were making out now, which Caroline was a bit jealous of "why is this taking so long?" she asked, as a memory then flashed before both Stefan and Beatrix

There was a women on the ground dying, and police lights could be seen as they then saw the other Stefan who was the paramedic "you're gonna be ok. Stay still. She's going into shock. I need BBM." he said, grabbing an oxygen mask, he then put it over her "just stay with me.." he told her, trying to save her life, they then saw one of the cop cars that said Atlanta.

Beatrix then pulled away from Stefan, Stefan opened his eyes, catching his breath, Beatrix looked to her witches "he's in Atlanta. A medic to be exact. You should be able to find him." she shared "we're not leaving you." Lilith told her 'well then who's gonna kill him?" Beatrix asked "I'll go." Caroline told them, as they all turned to her "you? Yeah, no." Joanna told her "Beatrix, wait.." Stefan told her, as Beatrix looked to him "they only want one of you alive and I'm not gonna let it be him." she shared "then let me go with her." Stefan told her "you can't. You have to stay here with me so I can keep track of him." Beatrix shared.

"The cures have been delivered to the parties of choice. Everyone is alright and no longer wanting to feed on each other." Enzo shared, and when he did, Beatrix turned to him "you go." she said "go where?" Enzo asked "with Caroline to Atlanta to kill the doppelganger." Beatrix shared "what? No, no, I'm not going with him!" Caroline voiced, pointing at Enzo "you either go with him or not at all." Beatrix shared, and as she did, Caroline huffed, turning and walking off, Enzo smirked, following after her.

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