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Chapter one hundred and thirty one

"I'm gonna bring her back."

It was a foggy night, as Damon was standing in the middle of the road, a car came driving toward's him but quickly swerved out of the way, where as he turned around, Enzo was thankfully in the road, where the couple hit him with his car as he lied there on the ground, the car stopped, as the couple got out of it and ran toward's him "he's dead." the women said "oh, no..no." the man said, as Damon was now standing behind them, he clapped his hands, as the two turned to him "first of all, let me applaud you on your quick reflexes. The way you just whipped by me, it was impressive." Damon shared.

As Enzo groaned, sitting up "what is this?" the man asked "this is what is known as a slow night." Damon shared, walking toward's them "I thought we'd go with the old guy in the road standby, and you almost got by us." Damon shared "yeah, maybe it's time we, uh, let this one go." Enzo shared, fixing his neck "it hurts." he said, standing up, the women put her hand over her mouth as Enzo walked toward's them "what do you want?" the man asked "we could use a ride. It's the least you could do." Enzo told them "come on. I'll drive." Damon shared, smirking.

They then took the two to the warehouse they had been staying at "okay, a little backstory because it's only fair..my friend here, Enzo, and I are the unwilling employees..." Damon shared, walking through it as the man and women followed him "we're not really employees." Enzo shared, shutting the door, he followed them as they walked into a room full of tarps "yeah, more like slaves, serfs, lackeys." Damon shared "Renfields." Enzo said "I hate that reference." Damon told him "we'll just call it mind control." Enzo shared.

As Damon turned to the man and women "are job is to bring the worst of humanity, the dregs of life, and bring them here. So, between the two of you, who's worse?" he asked, as the man and women looked to each other "come on." Enzo said, snapping his fingers "winner get's a prize." he shared, as Damon looked to the women "what's the worst thing you've ever done in your life?" he asked "I stole makeup from a drugstore once." the women shared, as Damon and Enzo furrowed their brows "some blush and lipstick." the women said "try harder." Damon said, stepping toward's her, he put his finger under her chin "what's the worst thing you've ever done in your life?" he compelled her.

"I slept with my best friend's boyfriend." the women shared "that's a little better." Enzo shared "eight times." the women said, as Enzo stepped toward's the man "you're doing something wrong, pal. So, what's the worst thing you've ever done?" he asked "one time, I stole all my Nana's pain pills and sold them for fifty bucks a pop. While she was dying of cancer." the man shared "I think we have a winner." Damon shared "what do I win?" the man asked, as Damon put his hand on his shoulder "you get to die the most painful, excruciating death imaginable." he shared.

"And me?" the women asked "we grant you mercy. You'll die quick. It'll be over before you.." Enzo shared, speeding toward's her and biting into her neck and feeding on her, the man gasped, as Enzo pulled away "I'll deal with this one." he said, putting the women over his shoulder "you do the honors?" he asked "of course." Damon said, as Enzo turned walking out, Damon stepped toward's the man putting his hand on the back of his neck "this way. Come on." he told him, walking to a door, he pulled a lever turning the lights on inside as the two walked through, revealing all the bodies hanging.

"No, no, no." the man said softly "easy my friend." Damon told him, as the man started crying "oh, god, no." he said, as Damon turned to him "hey." he said, grabbing him by the face "stay calm." he compelled him, bringing his hands down "shh." he said, as he began walking to the steps "no use in making a scene in your final moments." he shared "I don't want to die." the man said "yeah, I know. And I don't particularly want to kill you." Damon shared, as they made it up the steps and over a grate "but sometimes we have to do things we don't like." Damon shared, letting him go, as he stepped toward's the remote.

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